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7 websites and apps that make giving easy!

Small change can make a difference. Photo by Kat Yukawa.

New technology has allowed giving to be easier, and more accessible for those who don’t have the time or funds to give hundreds to charities or conduct due-diligence. Organizations have created websites and apps that allow anyone to give directly from their cell. 

  1. Good Today  

Good Today members give a small amount to charity every day. You can sign up for a payment plan of as little as $.25 a day. Each day, members receive an email with the cause of the day, and then an option of two different charities that have the cause as their mission. You can then select which charity you would like your money to go to, or have your money roll over to the next day.

 2. Amazon Smile 

With Amazon Smile, you can shop for the same exact products as However, .5% of the price of each item that you purchase will go to the registered charity of your choice. Just do your shopping on 

3. Budge

 On Budge, you can play games and play charity at the same time! You can create an account, and then challenge a friend to any game of your choice. If you win, your opponent will make a small donation to charity. But if you lose, you give. 

4. Charity Miles 

For those who need an extra incentive to work out, Charity Miles can help you and others. The best part? All of the money donated is from outside corporations, so you don’t need to give anything yourself. Download the app, and for every mile you move, you earn money for an organization from Charity Miles’ corporate sponsorship pool. 

5. Donate a Photo

This app is sponsored by Johnson and Johnson. Donate a Photo curated a list of charities that Johnson and Johnson will donate to every time you share any photo to their app. 


JustGive is an online platform that makes fundraising and donating easy and seamless. You can provide direct support to a charity or family in need. Or, you can create a fundraising campaign yourself! 

7. VolunteerMatch

If you want to give time instead of money, VolunteerMatch is the website for you. Just type in your area and VolunteerMatch will provide you with a multitude of volunteer opportunities for organizations. 

With these apps and websites, giving has never been easier. There is no need to write large checks in order to be a philanthropist. 

ELIANA DOFT loves to write, travel, and volunteer. She is especially excited by opportunities to combine these three passions through writing about social action travel experiences. She is an avid reader, a licensed scuba diver, and a self-proclaimed cold brew connoisseur.