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Stirring Up the Stronghold: Philippines Divided as Pope Francis Supports Same-Sex Civil Unions

With Pope Francis’ recent comments in support of same-sex civil unions, many have protested the remarks. However, the Catholic stronghold of the Philippines has particularly mixed reactions. 

President Rodrigo Duterte. Prachatai. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Locals and officials in the Philippines have become divided with the reveal of Pope Francis’ remarks siding with same-sex civil unions. It has been a long-established teaching of the Roman Catholic Church that same-sex civil unions are immoral, so many are skeptical that the pontiff had indeed made such comments. In fact, many bishops around the world have now responded with public remarks blaming the comments on miscontexualization. As with many other stories coming from the Vatican, the pope’s comments are wrapped in scandal, with many other officials saying that the remarks had been reframed for propaganda purposes. 

The pontiff’s remarks are sourced from a 2019 interview with the Mexican broadcaster Televisa in which he states, “Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or made miserable because of it.” Homosexual acts in the Philippines are currently permitted, but same-sex marriage remains illegal. 

The Philippines, the world’s third most Catholic country with around 81% of its residents identifying with the religion, now stirs with controversy at the pope’s statement. The bishop of Sorsogon, Arturo Bastes, reacted with serious hesitancy toward the ethicality of the pope’s comments. Other bishops have withheld rash responses and instead have chosen to wait for a more formal declaration from the pontiff. For now, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines remains tight-lipped as well. 

While some officials have reacted with great disturbance, LGBTQ+ residents and organizations have celebrated the pontiff’s comments as an incredible breakthrough. Bahaghari, one of the Philippines’ LGBTQ+ groups, expressed jubilation that the comments may very well be the first step toward viable change. It hopes that the pontiff’s remarks will ease the minds of legislators whose traditional beliefs have squashed attempts at passing pro-LGBTQ+ legislation. Many legislators have held tightly to conservative views in fear of the iron grip that church leaders have on the heavily Catholic country, but all of this now has the potential to shift. The pope’s disapproval of same-sex marriage has long been a pillar of conservative legislators’ reasons for rejecting the legislation, but some Filipinos hold hope that the loss of this argument will be enough to tip the scales. President Rodrigo Duterte himself has been a proponent of same-sex civil unions, and in recent years has publicly expressed support for laws legalizing same-sex marriage. 

Not much can be said at the moment about which steps the nation will take going forward, but what can be expected is skyrocketing tension in the long-standing debate. Regardless, some young residents have seen the pope’s remarks as a call to action, and may very well turn the nation’s views on their head.