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The Efforts to Rid Italy of Organized Crime

Images of the Mafia are ingrained in the public imagination of Italy. However, steps have been taken to eliminate it, making the country safer than in prior generations.

A protest banner erected after the murder of Peppino Impastato that says, “The mafia kills; so does silence.” ragnagne. CC BY-SA 2.0.

The proliferation of movies and television shows on the subject have caused some Americans to associate Italy with the Mafia. While it is true that organized crime is still causing headaches to law enforcement today, organized crime in the country is much more than just the Mafia, which is confined to Sicily. Other criminal organizations exist, such as the ‘Ndrangheta in Calabria and the Sacra Corona Unita in Apulia. The Camorra, which is based in the region of Campania and the city of Naples, is notable for using illicit methods to gain control of building contracts and garbage disposal, allowing them to control a large portion of Neapolitan society. Their negligence has also resulted in a lack of garbage collection services, causing large piles of trash on the streets to the ire of many residents of Naples. 

Each of these organizations operate somewhat differently, but they are all powerful players in the international drug trade. However, great strides have been made to eliminate their threat.

Some of the criminal organizations have their roots in the 18th century, when southern Italy was under Spanish rule. They prospered in the 19th and early 20th century, bribing politicians to ignore their activities. Sporadic but well-intentioned efforts emerged in the late 20th century to curb their influence. In the 1970s, Peppino Impastato emerged as a lone voice in questioning the tight grip the Sicilian Mafia held on his hometown of Cinisi, mocking them in his radio show, but it resulted in his murder in 1978. The Maxi Trials, the largest trial to occur in history, lasting from 1986 to 1992, resulted in the conviction and sentencing of 338 Mafia members. However, the aftermath of the trial showed that there was still a long way to go; the two judges leading the trial, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, were killed shortly after its conclusion.

An Addiopizzo branded T-shirt,  encouraging critical consumption by only supporting businesses that do not pay extortion money to the Sicilian Mafia. Addiopizzo Travel. CC BY-NC 2.0.

Today, interventions with widespread community support have been more successful in limiting the reach of organized crime. A more recent push includes more grassroots efforts, such as Addiopizzo, which is the movement for businesses to refuse to pay extortion money, called “pizzo,” to the Mafia. Businesses had traditionally paid the Mafia money to be left alone, but in 2004, a group of young university graduates started the campaign to end the practice. Soon, the entire Palermitan community was in solidarity with them, causing untold misery to the Mafia bosses still operating by cutting their main source of income. Relying on the slogan, “An entire population that pays the pizzo is a population without dignity,” Addiopizzo has galvanized Sicilian society to push back against paying the Mafia.

Now based in several organizations in both Palermo and Catania, two major cities in Sicily, Addiopizzo is encouraging ordinary people to only buy from places that do not pay the pizzo. Stores that refuse to pay the protection money are labeled with a sign that says, “Pago chi non paga [I pay those who do not pay].” The organization Addiopizzo Travel also provides visitors to Sicily with sustainable accommodations and encourages them to frequent those businesses. 

Negligence by the Camorra, the criminal organization of Naples, has caused trash to pile on the streets. chrisjohnbeckett. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

The government is also taking action against organized crime. With the public getting tired of the control over garbage disposal by the Camorra in Campania, the governments of some cities are taking action. In the city of Castellammare, near Naples, the government is cutting off all contracts with the Camorra, while insisting it “will not stop the city” by doing so. The city prefect is going even further by declaring that “unwelcome people are not even candidates” for mayor.

To fully eliminate the threat of organized crime in Italy, however, their effects must be addressed. The organization Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie works to invest in education to spread knowledge of the extent of the networks of organized crime. It also repurposes property confiscated from criminal organizations for social uses by the community, helping to mitigate the effects of organized crime. The combination of grassroots, governmental and nonprofit movements ensure all aspects of organized crime are being eliminated.


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Bryan is currently a History and Global Affairs major at the University of Notre Dame. He aims to apply the notion of Integral Human Development as a framework for analyzing global issues. He enjoys hiking and visiting national parks.