Working with Off-Grid Jungle Communities in Nicaragua with Victoria Lazarou

Victoria Lazarou

Maysea - Founder

Victoria founded the nonprofit Maysea in Nicaragua where she works with rural off-grid jungle communities. She also runs "co-giving trips" that combine adventure with impact in this area of the Pacific Coast renowned for surfing and outdoor exploration.

Exploring Jordan with Yulia Denisyuk

Yulia Denisyuk

Founder - Nomad + Jules

Yulia is a travel journalist who created an innovative travel company to bring people to places misrepresented by mass media. She is currently focused on the Middle East and here she talks about her organized trips to Jordan, where she works with eco-tourism initiatives that offer employment to local Bedouin communities. Learn more about the welcoming population, diverse cultures and other worldly landscapes in Jordan.

Bringing Sports Coaching and Ubuntu to Zimbabwe with Mark Crandall

Mark Crandall

Hoops4Hope - Founder

Mark Crandall is Founder of Hoops4Hope, a nonprofit that is committed to building and sustaining a community ecosystem that is a catalyst for positive youth development and social change through sports. He started in Zimbabwe and South Africa, and his programs reach more than 7500 kids each year in over 60 schools in those countries, with their peer educational model shared around the world in 7 countries. Among his experiences are a team bike trip around the circumference of Zimbabwe to highlight the power of sport for development, a partnership with NBA Africa and Basketball without Borders.

Jaguar Conservation in Bolivia with Carmen Castricum

Carmen Castricum

Founder -The Green Stamp

Carmen Castricum is Founder of The Green Stamp, a platform dedicated to presenting ethical and donation-based wildlife tours in South America, Asia and Africa. Here she discusses jaguar conservation in Bolivia and her visit to the Jaguar Conservation Ranch. Jaguar populations are being dramatically reduced due to deforestation, cattle ranching and killings, and the ranch offers local education to combat this.

Backpacking with a Purpose in Guatemala with Lauren Chu

Lauren Chu
Communications Director - Operation Groundswell

Lauren Chu is the Communications Director at Operation Groundswell (OG), a socially conscious travel organization whose motto is “backpacking with a purpose.” Here she talks about her experience on OG’s trips to Guatemala. Indigenous Mayan peoples make up more than 50% of Guatemala’s population. OG’s trips there examine issues such as their role in the community and how they are affected by deforestation, resource extraction and other human rights issues.

Making the First Films in South Sudan

Clara Wetzel

Clara is an Argentinian filmmaker who visited South Sudan to work on the first movies ever made in the new country. She mentored a team of local South Sudanese filmmakers and helped make 4 films. It was a brave experience as there has been recent violence toward journalists in the country and risk of political turmoil. Learn about the culture and personalities of the team she worked with, and the history and landscape of the country.

Community Development in Ecuador with Jeff Goldman

Jeff Goldman Executive Director - Manna Project International

In underserved communities in Ecuador, social challenges include malnutrition, stunting, unemployment among others. Here, Jeff Goldman, Executive Director of Manna Project International, talks about their social justice and community development programs: nutrition classes, adult programs, job training and after-school/summer programming for kids. Short and long term volunteering and service learning opportunities are available with Manna Project International.

Visiting the Indigenous San Peoples’ Communities in Botswana

Alanna Wallace
Program and Communications Manager - Planeterra Foundation

The San peoples are Indigenous hunter-gatherer groups that are the First Nations of Southern Africa. Here Alanna Wallace speaks of her travels to Botswana to stay in a San-owned lodge and what she learned from the San while there. Alanna is Program and Communications Manager of Planeterra Foundation, which is the leading nonprofit using tourism to tackle poverty, and Alanna talks about how they support the San-run Dqae Qare lodge as well as many other sustainable travel projects worldwide.

Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

Polly Witker

Founder -
Senior Content Lead - Impact Travel Alliance

Polly is a travel advisor, freelance writer, founder of the travel blog and Senior Content Lead at Impact Travel Alliance. She recently went gorilla trekking in the Bwindi Imprenetrable Forest in Uganda. Mountain gorillas are only found in this area of the world and are endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. Traveling to visit these gorillas contributes to providing sustainable tourism income to the region and supports conservation of the mountain gorilla population.

Travel Philanthropy in Ethiopia with Caliopy Glaros

Caliopy Glaros
Principal Consultant - Philanthropy Without Borders

Caliopy Glaros is Principal Consultant of Philanthropy Without Borders, an organization that provides donor travel, ethical storytelling and virtual engagement for nonprofit projects. Here she speaks about her trip to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to introduce philanthropists to a water sanitation and education project, and shares her perspective on the unique history and culture of the country.

Fighting Youth Homelessness in Uganda with Nicola Sansom

Nicola Sansom
Cofounder and CEO of S.A.L.V.E. International

Nicola traveled to Jinja, Uganda where the problem of youth homelessness and addiction led her to cofound a nonprofit (S.A.L.V.E. which stands for Support And Love Via Education) to tackle these social issues, and reunite homeless kids with their families. Here she discusses the root causes of youth homelessness in Uganda, and their 87% success rate in getting homeless kids off the streets, and back to living with their extended families.

Traveling with the Nenet Reindeer Herders in the Siberian Arctic with Patrick Barrow

Patrick Barrow
Wilderness Guide and Outdoor Educator - Secret Compass

Patrick travels to the Yamal Peninsula in the Siberian Arctic to live with the Nenet reindeer herders. Here he discusses their culture, lifestyle and the threats of mining and climate change to their traditional livelihood.