Argentina Times Two: Country Declares Rule over Antarctica—and the Falklands

The nation claims disputed territories in Antarctica. Will anyone notice?

A disputed no man’s land. Trey Ratcliff. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Argentina recently doubled in size, according to Argentina. President Alberto Fernandez signed into law a 650,000-square-mile expansion of Argentinian territory from its southernmost tip to the South Pole, including maritime territory in between. Though the law was signed in August, its effects are just beginning to be felt. Next school year, Argentinian children will receive textbooks proclaiming their country to be twice the size it was when their parents went to school. 

The law’s legal reasoning is rooted in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides President Fernandez a somewhat adequate basis for such an expansion. Argentina’s geographical shelf extends far into the sea, and the water is shallow enough to extend the country’s claim beyond the standard limit of 200 nautical miles from the nation’s coast. Though the move is grounded in international law, it has the potential to produce some controversy. 

Most strikingly, the law asserts what President Fernandez calls “Argentina’s claim to the Malvinas,” also known as the Falkland Islands. Fighting erupted between Britain and Argentina in 1982 when Argentina attempted to seize control of the Falklands, only to be rebuffed by Britain’s navy. While Britain still maintains control, most Argentinians support President Fernandez’s insistence that they have a rightful claim to the islands. 

Life on the ice. Christopher.Michel. CC BY 2.0.

For the time being, however, the conflict over the Falklands is as frozen as Antarctica itself. Other territorial spats are unlikely to occur. Since explorers began mapping the continent, numerous nations have claimed it as their own. International negotiations over land claims in Antarctica culminated in the Antarctic Treaty System in 1961. It provided freedom of scientific research for all nations and banned military activity, mineral mining and nuclear waste disposal. 

Argentina’s new waters offer much more than the snowy lands of Antarctica. Commercial fishing is lucrative just off the British-controlled island of South Georgia. There, fishermen enjoy prime access to abundant schools of Patagonian toothfish, icefish and Antarctic krill. While the COVID-19 pandemic has stopped most tourism, Antarctica contains myriad natural wonders for tourists strong-willed enough to endure the frigid temperatures. 

For now, disputed waters in Antarctica are unlikely to ignite any conflicts. The regions are sparsely populated and for the most part strategically unimportant. Even the Falkland Islands, the flashpoint of the war with Britain, has only 2,500 residents.

Scientific research at the end of the world. NASA Goddard Photo and Video. CC BY 2.0.

In fact, the brave few Argentinians who currently live in Antarctica enjoy a unique perk: safety from the coronavirus. The 400 people from the country in Antarctica reside on the only continent without a single case of COVID-19. These scientists and soldiers conduct scientific research but with far less staff than in prior years. To prevent the spread of the virus, Argentina opted to send only 400 researchers rather than the usual 2,000. Every person sent will take a test and quarantine before traveling to Argentina’s facilities, and since they won’t have many medical resources, people will be evacuated at the first sign of infection. Argentinian researchers can rest assured, though, that their president believes they tread not on a foreign continent but on their own home turf.

Michael McMarthy

is an undergraduate student at Haverford College, dodging the pandemic by taking a gap year. He writes in a variety of genres, and his time in high school debate renders political writing an inevitable fascination. Writing at Catalyst and the Bi-Co News, a student-run newspaper, provides an outlet for this passion. In the future, he intends to keep writing in mediums both informative and creative.