3 Famous, Unconventional Nightclubs in Berlin

Berlin’s creative and liberal culture contributes to its famous nightlife; from art to sex clubs, there is something in the city for anyone searching for a unique clubbing experience. 

A performance at KitKat, Berlin. Wolfgang Sterneck. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

There are many cities in the world which are known for their nightlife. Berlin, Germany is one of them. Berlin nightlife is known for being extreme—especially in comparison to nightlife in the U.S.— in the sense that parties can go for days at a time, but it is also surprisingly safe and inclusive. Of course, crime is still a problem in Berlin, as it is anywhere else, and women especially should exercise all the same cautions they would anywhere else in the world. But with that being said, there are many venues in Berlin that have made a distinct effort to create a no-holds-barred party environment while also keeping their patrons safe. 

1. KitKatClub

KitKat 2019. Wolfgang Sterneck. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

KitKatClub is a famous nightclub and sex club in Berlin, which was actually founded by an adult film director and his wife. While sex clubs are often thought of us somewhat dangerous, because of the inherent vulnerability of a place which allows sex openly and often in combination with alcohol and drugs, KitKat has rules surrounding consent, with its motto being “do what you want but stay in communication.” The club is also affiliated with a covid-testing center, ensuring that their patrons can be tested before entering the club. KitKat is very LGBTQ+ friendly, with its only discernible criteria for entry being attire. KitKat strictly requires unconventional dress—whether that be all leather, or very little clothing at all. They also have a strict “no phone” policy, which still exists in a few other nightclubs in Berlin, but is largely dying out globally. KitKat reflects something unusual: a place where behaviors that are sometimes considered taboo can be carried out in a monitored, public setting.

2. Berghain

Berghain. Ewar Woowar. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Berghain, Berlin is known as one of the most famous clubs in Berlin, but despite that, has still maintained a somewhat “underground” reputation. This reputation has been maintained through extremely strict but also ambiguous standards to get in at the door. Clubbers may wait for hours in line, only to be rejected with no explanation. There is no dress code, and someone may get in one night but not another for no apparent reason. However, Berghain also maintains an inclusivity; there is nothing clear that connects those who are accepted versus those who are rejected. People of all walks of life go to Berghain, and similarly, people of all walks of life are rejected. Like KitKat Club, Berghain allows sexual activity and not phones. The club is located in a warehouse relatively far away from other businesses, allowing for unrestricted partying. This freedom of sexual expression is something that makes certain Berlin clubs differ from other clubs globally. Despite the “no-rules” attitude, the first statement that pops up on Berghain’s website is “take care of yourself and your friends.” If you click on the link attached to this sentence, you will be sent to a page of resources about sexual assault and drink-spiking. Clubs like Berghain and KitKat manage to maintain a freedom among their customers, while also being committed to consensual interactions.

3. Anomalie Art Club

Sign for Anomalie Art Club. Mitch Altman. CC BY-SA 2.0.

Anomalie Art Club differs from KitKat and Berghain in its focus, but demonstrates all the same creativity and self-expression which is integral to the nightlife in Berlin. Anomalie itself is a very creative concept: it is a nightclub, so it functions in the way all nightclubs do; it provides drinks, music and dancing. However, art is built into the foundation of this club. Every piece of decor, lighting, or anything else in the space has been carefully curated by an artist. The architecture and the space itself is a part of the club experience, equally as important as the music. The club has a tattoo studio, and does photoshoots. In true Berlin fashion, parties at the club last long into the morning. The club integrates nearly every aspect of popular culture one could fathom, complete with wine tastings and vegetarian food. Unlike the other two clubs listed, Anomalie is not known for being especially sexually driven. It provides an important space for those searching for a unique and creative party space without the aspect of overt sexual activity. 

For young people looking to have memorable experiences with nightlife, Berlin is an excellent place to visit. These three clubs are far from the only options, and while two of the three are sexual spaces, Berlin without a doubt offers the same vibe of free expression without the aspect of sex through clubs such as Anomalie. Berlin has created an environment and culture of true self expression and acceptance, without losing the cutting edge aspect of nightlife.

Calliana Leff

Calliana is currently an undergraduate student at Boston University majoring in English and minoring in psychology. She is passionate about sustainability and traveling in an ethical and respectful way. She hopes to continue her writing career and see more of the world after she graduates.