WAVES For Development: Changing Lives in Peru Through Surf

Dave Aabo, Founder of Waves For Development

Dave Aabo is the founder of WAVES for Development, a volunteer surf tourism organization operating in Peru, Nicaragua, Mexico and exploring partnerships in South Africa, Costa Rica and Colombia. Their motivation is to use surfing to make the world a better place. They connect surfing and sustainable development by creating an infrastructure for surfers to give back to local communities while they travel. This year they are celebrating ten years operating in Peru. Here Dave talks with CATALYST about what's new at WAVES for Development.

How would you define the goals of Waves for Development?

Our mission is to inspire world travel and cultural exchange through surf experiences. We curate a network of partnerships that connect travelers, community members and grassroots initiatives. Our goals are pretty lofty... By 2030 we aim to: 

  • provide $10 million in financial and volunteer hour contributions to 10 destinations.   

  • facilitate 10,000 surf trips of a lifetime that include cultural exchange & volunteering

  • actively engage 1000 alumni travelers

Beyond that, we're expanding beyond Surf Voluntourism through the fiscal sponsorships of some related and awesome initiatives. The first being Green Go Solar that marries surfing and solar panel construction workshops in Scorpion Bay, Mexico. The newest being of the Adaptive Surfing Association which preserves the history and promotes the growth of opportunities for surfers with disabilities from around the world by creating media and resources for participants, volunteers and interested parties. 

Why Peru? And what has it been like to operate in Peru?

I was a Peace Corps volunteer working with coffee farmers in the mountains of Northern Peru and management groups in the Amazon basin from late 2003 until early 2007. During that time, I conducted my Master's Degree research and wrote a capstone thesis on Sustainable Tourism Realities: A Case for Adventure Service Tourism. Also during that time I rode some of the best waves of my life and met inspiring people within the far-reaching Peruvian surf community. It's been extremely rewarding getting to know and learn from Peruvians - whether in the creative sense, or simply people pursuing their dreams, it's been amazing getting to know some incredibly talented individuals.

What have been the greatest obstacles you have encountered?

Consistently doing a lot with few resources. Having things take longer than anticipated. Small town drama.

What have your greatest accomplishments been?

United Nations Office of Sport Development and Peace endorsement

Seeing young people grow up in the WAVES programs in Peru, accomplish amazing things and pursue their dreams

Transformation in travelers - participants go on to astonishing career achievements  

What is new at Waves for Development?

We're growing outside of Peru - through partnerships. As such we're complementing other grassroots initiatives in Mexico, Nicaragua, and Guatemala exploring opportunities in South Africa, Costa Rica and Colombia as well.

In 2018 we're celebrating 10 years of programs in Peru. We'll have a special session January 17-27! 

How can people get involved?

Travel with us!

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