The History of Favelas, Brazil’s Impoverished Towns

Since their emergence in the 19th century, favelas have faced continuous struggles with poverty and crime, a symbol of the tension between Brazil’s government and its underrepresented communities.    

Favela of Telegrafo Hillside Brazil

Favela of Telegrafo. patano. CC BY-SA 3.0. 

Scattered throughout Brazil are built-up communities known as favelas. These towns, principally found on the outskirts of large cities like Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo, are settlements marked by their unique urban development. While they are often associated with drugs, crime and poverty, these neighborhoods are a symbol of Brazil’s complex history. 

Finding their origins in the late 19th century, favelas emerged amid a period of tumultuous political and social change in Brazil. They initially formed after the country abolished slavery in 1888. With a large number of impoverished former slaves left homeless and unemployed, they started forming temporary shelters. These were mainly squatter settlements near their work, which was often found in cities. Over the years, these communities grew in number and size. However, it was only after the Canudos War in 1898 when they became the large settlements we know today. The War on Canudos, a deadly civil war that saw a massacre in the small town of Canudos, left almost 20,000 ex-soldiers homeless after their return from the conflict. With nowhere to live, the group established the first favelas in the federal state of Bahia. 

As Brazil’s class divide grew, more favelas popped up from the 1940s to the 1970s, becoming more organized with newly created residents’ associations serving as communicators between the towns and the government. Collaboration between the two led to agreements about water and electricity accessibility and construction investment, playing a large role in the favelas’ maintenance. However, rising politicians during this era also targeted the favelas for political gain, stereotyping their existence as slums breeding disease, illiteracy, crime and moral corruption. Many favelas were “removed” as a result, but other methods were sought out to build up and sustain the communities’ infrastructure. Despite various programs intending to improve buildings, Brazil’s economic crisis led to failed attempts at providing adequate housing in many areas. At the same time, cocaine markets were growing globally, and Brazil became a prominent drug producer and transit point between European and U.S. markets. These criminal groups formed during the 1980s and solidified in the early 2000s, attracting more police attention to the neighborhoods. 

In 2022, about 8.1% of Brazil’s population lived in favelas. Because of their densely built-up infrastructure and continuous struggles with crime and drugs, favelas have also become synonymous with slum life. Widespread poverty, in particular, has grown to be favela residents’ largest struggle, with economic hardship producing limits on food, healthcare and education. The government has proposed various methods to help tackle these ongoing issues and support the overall conditions of these communities. Authorities have introduced programs to help residents: setting up training programs, providing low-interest loans or materials to construct accommodations and building facilities such as health clinics or schools. Despite these attempts, favela residents still lack full sociopolitical representation and face police violence. Thus, activism in favela communities remains imperative, as residents continue to search for peace and draw attention to the need for social development and increased rights. 


Residents living in favelas struggle against police brutality, discrimination and stark poverty daily. Those looking to help address these issues can do so in several ways, including through making donations. Outreach organizations include: The Favela Foundation, focusing on the development of sustainable social and educational programs; Catalytic Communities, an NGO based in Rio de Janeiro bringing sustainable programs and legislative support to favelas; and The Gerando Falcões Fund of BrazilFoundation, bringing education and economic development to the favelas. Supporting favela locals in their fight to speak out against systemic violence is also very important. Using social media to follow, share and repost activism can help circulate news and reframe the stereotypes usually associated with favela communities. 

Julia Kelley

Julia is a recent graduate from UC San Diego majoring in Sociocultural Anthropology with a minor in Art History. She is passionate about cultural studies and social justice, and one day hopes to obtain a postgraduate degree expanding on these subjects. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with her friends and family.

Barring Basic Rights: Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Regulation

Modern anti-gay regulations continue to threaten the lives and safety of Ugandan LGBTQ+ individuals. 

Protest Marching for Uganda's LGBTI Community

Group Marching in Support of Uganda’s LGBTQ+ Community. Alisdare Hickson. CC BY-SA 2.0.

Known for having one of the world’s harshest LGBTQ+ rights records, the Ugandan parliament has pursued longstanding efforts to diminish same-sex activity within the country. As a result of 19th-century British colonization, the severe criminalization of homosexuality set the stage for modern homophobic sentiments. This culminated in the Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2023, which was later upheld by the Ugandan parliament in April 2024. 

The 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act was signed into law by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni in May 2023, enforcing strict restrictions against LGBTQ+ individuals. Implementing harsh penalties, the act demands life imprisonment for consensual same-sex activity and the death penalty in cases of “aggravated homosexuality,” a term that denotes any same-sex act that involves people under 18, older than 75, those with a disability, or when consent is not given or cannot be given. This act is not the first attempt to limit LGBTQ+ rights in Uganda. In 2010, the Ugandan parliament passed a bill introducing similarly anti-gay legislation that was eventually ruled illegal by the constitutional court due to its lack of necessary quorum. In 2021, however, the president succeeded in passing a sexual offenses bill that criminalized same-sex relationships and sex work in Uganda. 

While the Ugandan government has praised such legislation as acting in the country’s best interest, the persistent condemnation of same-sex actions has negatively impacted the lives of LGBTQ+ Ugandans. This has not only promoted anti-gay views but has also threatened lives through the reduction of HIV prevention and perpetuation of societal abuse. In an interview with Amnesty International, Ugandan activist and founder of the gay and intersex rights organization Freedom and Roam Uganda (FARUG), Jacqueline Kasha described the new law’s impact on her community. She contends that advocacy and visibility for LGBTQ+ individuals have sharply diminished with the aggressive crackdown: “Several LGBTI persons have since gone underground which is now impeding all our efforts, especially in the health sphere in the fight against HIV, mental illness and economic disparities.” The 2023 Act has allowed anti-gay groups to accuse or arrest people with little evidence or reasoning. As such, LGBTQ+ individuals are vulnerable to attack when outside the safety of their homes, forced to hide their identities under the threat of violence. Furthermore, those in need of HIV services have become disproportionately vulnerable to health risks, driven away from receiving care due to fear of criminal punishment or discrimination. 

The first case of “aggravated homosexuality” has already come into effect: 21-year-old Michael Opolot was arrested in August 2023 after allegedly participating in public sexual activity with another man reported to have a disability. While the new act permits this arrest, there has not been any evidence submitted by police to substantiate claims that the alleged victim is disabled and therefore could not give consent. Opolot’s case has provoked Ugandan activists to challenge the law's constitutionality, citing the act’s contradiction of citizens’ freedom from discrimination and rights to privacy and health. Moreover, they have noted that Opolot’s case demonstrates the senseless oppression of LGBTQ+ individuals. Ugandan activist Clare Byarugaba affirmed that this mistreatment not only violates human rights but also suppresses advocacy, as “activists, public health workers, and others face long prison sentences and hefty fines” for attempting to voice support.  

As a result of such political, social and health persecution, the LGBTQ+ population in Uganda has been left unprotected and endangered by intimidating threats. Although Uganda’s government views the recent passing of anti-homosexual legislation as a “step forward” for the country, many in the LGBTQ+ community have experienced the opposite result in their daily lives. Several international organizations and governments have commented on the bill, with United States President Joe Biden describing the act as a “tragic violation of universal human rights,” and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) explaining that “criminalizing populations most at risk of HIV, such as the LGBTQ+ communities, obstructs access to life-saving health and HIV services.” Despite such international criticism, anti-homosexuality continues to loom largely over Uganda and LGBTQ+ existence within the country.


Those looking to support LGBTQ+ communities in Uganda can do so by getting involved with organizations dedicated to supporting individuals inside the country as well as those who have fled. Such organizations include: Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), an LGBTQ+ advocacy organization, Universal Coalition of Affirming Africans Uganda (UCAA - UG), a human rights organization advocating for human rights and marginalized people, and Global Black Gay Men Connect (GBGMC), a group collaborating with Uganda Key Populations Consortium (UKPC) and SMUG to launch an emergency response fund to support LGBTQ+ Ugandans.

Julia is a recent graduate from UC San Diego majoring in Sociocultural Anthropology with a minor in Art History. She is passionate about cultural studies and social justice, and one day hopes to obtain a postgraduate degree expanding on these subjects. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with her friends and family.

Sacred Duty: Religious Groups Fighting Fossil Fuels

As the climate crisis continues to worsen, religious climate justice organizations are taking a stand against environmental degradation.

A climate action protest group outside of BlackRock building. In the foreground, the group holds a green banner saying "Later is too late" with a cartoon melting Earth ice cream cone. Signs of executives' faces and names, stating "Pick a side"

GreenFaith protesting outside of BlackRock in 2022. Felton Davis. CC 2.0.

Over the past few years, the environmental crisis has begun to spiral out of control. As droughts and wildfires compete for attention with raging hurricanes across the United States, sometimes it can feel like the world is ending. But in the face of these natural disasters, people have started to come together, calling for an end to policies aggravating the climate crisis.

Religious teachings surrounding the sanctity and sacredness of Earth have long been folded into protests against the warming climate. Since the 1970s, religious organizations in the United States (primarily Christian and Jewish, although a few Islamic groups have also begun to speak out) have decried humanity’s destruction of the planet. Some, like the National Association of Evangelicals, have gone so far as to denounce those engaging in climate change-fueling activities as sinners.

It is important to note that many religious institutions remain largely disconnected from the climate crisis, with several organizations and churches denouncing it as a hoax. The groups mentioned in this article, and those like them, are largely outliers. Climate change continues to be a divisive topic at best in larger religious dialogues, as many consider the crisis a part of God’s plan or even an outright lie. However, religious climate change advocacy has grown in recent years, with small groups cropping up all over the United States.

Over the past few decades, these groups have grown more and more vocal. From organizing movements to protect the Endangered Species Act to founding an interfaith collective for climate justice, religious leaders and organizations across the United States have continued to take environmental action over the past four decades. Recently, in the summer of 2024, Christian and Jewish protesters in New York City made some of the greatest progress so far.

GreenFaith, an interfaith climate justice organization based in New Jersey, spent much of the summer of 2024 on Wall Street protesting against Citigroup. One of the largest banks in the United States, Citigroup released a statement in 2021 pledging to reach net zero emissions in 2050. However, independent researchers have pointed out that in the years since this pledge, the corporation has instead become the second-biggest investor in fossil fuels.

In response, several organizations joined together in the Summer of Heat demonstrations. Forty major protests were held outside Citigroup’s headquarters, led by a collection of religious leaders from  GreenFaith, Dayenu (a Jewish organization comprised of longtime activists), and several other groups. The protests were held according to religious practices — songs replaced chanting, many of the protestors brought candles and demonstrators gathered in the early morning to block the doors of the banks. In an inspiring moment, a group of protestors arrived with signs displaying various religious symbols, representing the star of David, crosses and Islamic peace symbols.

These protests ultimately caught the attention of Citigroup’s administration, culminating in a sit-down between Citigroup’s chief sustainability officer and four leaders of the involved religious groups. According to reports, Citigroup rejected the protester’s proposals outright, refusing to answer whether or not they would change their commitment to funding fossil fuel companies.

However, this rejection does not diminish the Summer of Heat’s influence. These organizations gathered together and staged one of the longest climate protests in recent history. In addition, the actions of GreenFaith, Dayenu and the other involved groups gave a tremendously loud voice to their concerns, capturing the attention of many major news networks and eventually working their way into Citigroup itself. While their efforts may not have produced the results the groups hoped for, the Summer of Heat has nonetheless called an immense amount of attention to the climate crisis and the multicultural, interfaith movements working to protect the planet.

Ryan Livingston

Ryan is a senior at The College of New Jersey, majoring in English and minoring in marketing. Since a young age, Ryan has been passionate about human rights and environmental action and uses his writing to educate wherever he can. He hopes to pursue a career in professional writing and spread his message even further.

The Human Cost of Sustainable Energy

While wealthy nations and corporations benefit from the shift to renewable energy, the poorest and most disenfranchised communities are left to suffer the consequences.

A man crouching next to a deeply dug pit with a large tree branch sticking out. Red light reflecting under a canvas tent and machinery lying around on the ground

Cobalt Mine. Afrewatch. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

As the demand for renewable energy increases, industrialized countries are racing to obtain metals like lithium, cobalt, zinc, manganese and nickel. These metals are used to make batteries, solar panels and wind turbines—technologies that will ideally enable a transition away from fossil fuels. However, procuring and processing the materials necessary to support these sustainable infrastructures comes with a price that is often overlooked: the human and environmental toll of mining these resources is anything but sustainable for communities worldwide. 

Continents rich in these resources— like Africa, Latin America, and Asia—are facing a surge in mining activities, which has in turn led to widespread human rights violations and environmental degradation, particularly among Indigenous communities. According to the Transition Mineral Tracker, there have been 631 human rights abuse allegations against companies involved in the extraction of transition minerals between 2010 and 2022, with 46% of the allegations originating in South America.

Majestic mountains as a backdrop to heavy machinery digging and creating large piles of a white sandy substance. The image is reflected in the standing water on the salt flats.

Lithium Mine in Argentina. EARTHWORKS. CC BY-NC 2.0

Human Rights Watch has documented a litany of abuses in mining sectors, from child labor and hazardous working conditions to chemical pollution and forced displacement. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the world's biggest producer of cobalt, a critical component of lithium-ion batteries, which power everything from electric vehicles to smartphones. Child labor remains an issue in the DRC, with more than 40,000 children working in the hazardous conditions of the Katanga province’s cobalt mines, according to data from the United Nations.

These children, victims of trafficking and of necessity, are subjected to horrendous conditions, including frequent mine collapses and prolonged exposure to toxic dust. Their work is grueling, often lasting for 12 hours a day, with little to no protective gear. Some children work with their bare hands. Many suffer from chronic health problems, such as respiratory issues and musculoskeletal disorders, as a result of the substandard working conditions.

A group of men working around the mining site under the hot sun in the large grassy and arid expanse.

Cobalt Mining Site. Fairphone. CC BY-NC-SA

Adults suffer in the mines as well, laboring in slave-like conditions. Cobalt mining tunnels often reach lengths and depths far greater than the legal maximum of 98 feet, an already dangerous level. Poor regulation, governance and lack of incentive to adhere to the law means tunnels can reach lengths of up to 295 feet, a level that threatens extreme risk of collapse, landslides and death for miners. 

Conditions underground are hot and dusty, as miners rely on generators for oxygen during their 12-hour shifts, six days a week. Though cobalt is toxic to touch and breathe, miners are constantly exposed to the substance. Exposure to polluted water and air can lead to several health problems, including respiratory illnesses, skin conditions and even cancer. In some mining areas, the rate of birth defects and infant mortalities has increased, raising alarm among local and international health organizations.

Two miners lifting bags among a rocky, dusty, and dry crater-like setting.

Cobalt Miners in the DRC. The International Institute for Environment and Development. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The environmental impact of mining is another major concern. The mining industry has ravaged the landscape of the DRC. Millions of trees have been cut down and the air surrounding the mines is hazy with dust and grit. The mining process often involves the use of hazardous chemicals to separate the desired minerals from the ore. These chemicals can seep into the soil and water, contaminating local water supplies and agricultural land. “In this stream, the fish vanished long ago, killed by acids and waste from the mines,” one Congo resident reported of his childhood fishing hole. In some cases, mining operations have dried up rivers and lakes, devastating local ecosystems and the livelihoods of those who depend on them. 

The expansion of mining activities often causes the displacement of entire communities, whether by pollution or force. Data from the Business & Human Rights Resource Center points to widespread violations of Indigenous peoples’ rights—such as forced relocation, water pollution and denial of access to traditional land—as well as attacks on human rights defenders and workers’ rights abuses. In countries like Indonesia, Peru, Columbia and Bolivia, mining operations have displaced Indigenous peoples from their ancestral lands. These displacements not only disrupt the social fabric of communities but also erode cultural identities that are deeply tied to the land. 

In many cases, those who resist displacement or speak out against mining abuses face retaliation. In Indonesia, local officers were accused of breaching police ethics through the use of intimidation tactics, carrying around weapons to compel people to leave their ancestral village. There have been numerous reports of police violence and arbitrary arrests of activists who oppose mining projects. In Colombia, a mine was built within the sacred territory of the Embera people, without any consultation with Indigenous locals. The community faced forced displacements, the territory was militarized, and leaders who spoke out about human rights violations became targets of harassment. 

As the demand for green energy continues to rise, companies that rely on these materials must ensure that supply chains are free from exploitation. This includes due diligence, supporting fair labor practices, and investing in cleaner and more sustainable mining technologies. Governments also have a role in regulating the mining industry and protecting the rights of vulnerable communities. Stronger international regulations, greater transparency and accountability are essential in preventing abuses and ensuring that the beneficiaries of the green energy transition are not limited to corporations.


GoodWeave: Founded in 1994 by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Kailash Satyarthi, GoodWeave is a leading nonprofit organization in the fight to stop child labor in global supply chains. The institution partners with companies and local producer communities to bring visibility to hidden supply chains, protect workers’ rights, provide assurance that products are free of child or forced labor, and support exploited children.

Good Shepherd International Foundation: Good Shepherd International Foundation works to support women, girls and children living in vulnerable and impoverished conditions. They protect and promote the rights of people affected by poverty, human trafficking, child labor, and other human rights violations in over than 30 countries.

Global Witness: Global Witness works to hold companies and governments accountable for ecological destruction and the failure to protect human rights. The organization campaigns to end corporate complicity in environmental and human rights abuses, end corporate corruption,  hold companies in the natural resource sector to the law, and protect activists standing up to climate-wrecking industries.

Rebecca Pitcairn

Rebecca studies Italian Language and Literature, Classical Civilizations, and English Writing at the University of Pittsburgh. She hopes to one day attain a PhD in Classical Archeology. She is passionate about feminism and climate justice. She enjoys reading, playing the lyre, and longboarding in her free time.

Exiled Russian Pussy Riot Activist Sentenced for Ukraine Tweets

After a series of tweets criticizing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, activist and girl band member Lucy Shtein was sentenced in absentia to six years in prison. 

Three women, one wearing a ski mask, holding their fists in the air and yelling while holding "free pussy riot" sign.

Pussy Riot Global Day. Eyes on Rights. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The members of Pussy Riot, a Russian punk rock and performance art group, are no strangers to prosecution. Their political activism has landed them in legal trouble in the past. In 2012, the band briefly took over a cathedral in Moscow and performed a “punk prayer” by the church’s altar. The lyrics called for the Virgin Mary to expel Putin from Russia. As a result, three members of the group, Maria Alyokhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Yekaterina Samutsevich, were convicted of hooliganism, religious hatred and plotting to undermine social order and sentenced to serve two years of imprisonment in a penal colony, a decision that sparked worldwide protests. 

Two women in ski masks holding up a large banner that states "Free Pussy Riot"

Free Pussy Riot - Tel Aviv Israel. דוג'רית. CC BY-SA 4.0. 

On November 21st, 2023, Nadya Tolokonnikova, was arrested again, this time in absentia, for the charge of “insulting the religious feelings of believers.” The charge carried a maximum fine of about $3,400 (300,000 roubles), forced labor, and up to one year of imprisonment. In Russia, this law is often referred to informally as the “Pussy Riot Law,” and was written while the members were in court for their 2012 performance. The charges against Tolokonnikova were leveled in response to a 2022 performance art piece called “Putin’s Ashes” in which Tolokonnikova and eleven other women, all wearing balaclavas, set fire to a portrait of Putin.

Young woman, Nadya Tolokonnikova, standing on stage in front of small podium delivering an emotional speech.

Nadya Tolokonnikova. Steve Jurvetson. CC-BY-2.0. 

In March of 2024, Pussy Riot Member Lucy Shtein was sentenced in absentia to six years in prison for a tweet the activist and artist posted in March of 2022 criticizing Russia’s military activities in Ukraine. Commenting on a video allegedly of Ukrainian soldiers shooting the legs of Russian POWs, she stated that the Russian soldiers had come “to bomb other people’s cities and kill people.” Since launching its invasion of Ukraine, the Russian government has begun prosecuting citizens who speak out against the war. In 2022, the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian legislature, amended the criminal code to make it illegal to support an end to the war or to spread any information on Russia’s military activities that contradicts the official version presented by the Russian Ministry of Defense. As of 2023, there have been more than 19,700 detentions of citizens who participated in anti-war activities, and as of 2024, 929 cases have been filed against citizens under this law. The new law has been criticized as an attack on freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, political opposition and activism, and it was under this law that Shtein was sentenced. 

Shtein escaped from house arrest in Russia with her girlfriend and fellow Pussy Riot member Maria Alyokhina shortly after the invasion in Ukraine had begun, earning her a spot on the Ministry of Internal Affairs wanted list. Shtein had been accused of violating coronavirus restrictions and placed on indefinite house arrest after participating in rallies in support of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Shtein and Alyokhina fled to Iceland, where they were granted citizenship in 2023. 

Despite being unable to return to their homeland, Pussy Riot members continue to tour internationally. On June 20th, 2024, Tolokonnikova will be opening an art exhibition entitled RAGE in Austria. In 2017, Maria Alyokhina wrote a memoir, "Riot Days," recounting her experiences with Russia’s criminal system. In 2024, the band adapted the memoir into a show described as “a mixture of concert, rally, theater and political happening” touring in Canada and Europe. 


Pussy Riot: You can support Pussy Riot here by buying their merchandise, or a ticket to one of their upcoming shows in Chicago, IL, US or Riddu Riddu, Lyngen, Norway.

Stand With Ukraine: The "Riot Days"tour raised funds for the children’s hospital Ohmatdyt in Kyiv, Ukraine. While the show is no longer on tour, you can still donate to the hospital.

Rebecca Pitcairn

Rebecca studies Italian Language and Literature, Classical Civilizations, and English Writing at the University of Pittsburgh. She hopes to one day attain a PhD in Classical Archeology. She is passionate about feminism and climate justice. She enjoys reading, playing the lyre, and longboarding in her free time. 

University Encampments and the Future of Free Speech

What the pro-Palestine encampments and the official responses to them mean for the future of protest.

Protestors holding up a large "Ceasefire now" banner at a protest. Palestinian flags are raised in the background with other protest signs.

Protestors holding up a pro-Palestine “Cease Fire Now!” banner. Sword & Shield. CC BY 3.0 NZ

Will encampments continue to be an effective mode of protest? Palestine solidarity is growing worldwide, especially among college students. Inspired by protests at Columbia, students at numerous universities have established pro-Palestine encampments, urging the institutions to divest funds that support Israel, aiming to halt the mass killing in Gaza. Since October 7, thousands of Palestinians have been killed, and nearly half the population is suffering from malnutrition. Encampments sprang up at major universities worldwide, including McGill, Trinity, Oxford and the University of Tokyo. Robert Cohen, a professor at NYU, told ABC News that he considers encampments to be the biggest student movement of the 21st century. The varying responses globally reflect the nuanced nature of encampments, balancing concerns for student safety with protecting their right to freedom of speech. Some universities, such as Wesleyan University and Oxford University, are more tolerant of the encampments, allowing them to continue so long as they remained nonviolent and nondisruptive. Other schools, such as UCLA and UT Austin, have taken a different approach and alerted the police and attempted to remove encampments by force, leading to thousands of student arrests. Students at Brown University and UC Berkeley dismantled encampments after reaching agreements with officials to discuss divestment strategies. Pro-Palestine encampments and the varied responses to them have compelled students to reflect on the extent to which their right to freedom of speech is protected.

While “freedom of speech” is a broad term, the US Constitution's First Amendment specifies that it includes the right to peacefully assemble and the right to petition the government, but it has limits and cannot justify violence. According to FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression), while police can dismantle encampments that disrupt class or block student traffic, they can not interfere or issue arrests out of personal bias. However, rights to freedom of speech vary by institution, especially between public and private schools. Private universities are not necessarily required to follow constitutional rights, and universities driven by religious or military interests may prioritize other values over freedom of speech. In the context of encampments, there doesn’t seem to be a large correlation between university type and response from officials. One pattern that has emerged is that most student arrests are occurring in urban areas like New York and Los Angeles. The media has wielded a dual influence, serving as both an inspiration for global encampments and a source of delegitimization. Across the internet, students are labeled as “entitled” and “immature,” facing criticism from professors, government officials and religious leaders who deride their anti-imperialist goals as unrealistic.

A large protest sign above the encampment that states "Admitted students- enroll in revolution"

Columbia Encampment Day After NYPD Raid. Pamela Drew. CC BY-NC 2.0

Some argue that history is repeating itself with the rise of pro-Palestine encampments. During the Vietnam War, students at universities worldwide urged institutions to cut ties with the military and ultimately end the war through pro-peace propaganda and counterculture lifestyles, most notably at UC Berkeley and Columbia. Students held abolitionist views toward the armed forces, viewing the military as systematically oppressive.

With semesters wrapping up and campuses quieting down, encampments are naturally disassembling, even if no agreements have been reached with universities. As November's election approaches, more members of Gen Z are eligible to vote. It remains unclear as to whether or not young voters will support Biden, as they criticize his support for the Israeli military, emphasizing a lack of unity amongst Democrats. Regardless of short-term and long-term outcomes, pro-Palestine encampments have demonstrated the role students can play in fostering dialogue and raising awareness, ultimately reshaping public opinion. Recent events have prompted discussions about whether or not students are protected by their First Amendment rights when establishing encampments, forcing us to reconsider the essence of free speech.


UNRWA (United Nations Reliefs and Works Agency) is an organization that provides direct relief to Palestine refugees. Donate to provide humanitarian relief to those affected here.

Call on Congress and President Biden for an immediate cease-fire via

Check out the Palestine Resource Guide, which provides updates on the latest news and resources pertaining to Palestine. Find a protest/event near you here.

Agnes Moser Volland

Agnes is a student at UC Berkeley majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies and minoring in Creative Writing, with a research focus on road trip culture in America. She currently writes for BARE Magazine and Caravan Travel & Style Magazine. She is working on a novel that follows two sisters as they road trip down Highway 40, from California to Oklahoma. In the future, she hopes to pursue a career in journalism, publishing, or research.

Madagascar’s Cyclone Gamane—The Devastating Storm Nobody’s Talking About

Thousands of homes were destroyed and families displaced, with almost no American news coverage.

Satellite image of the massive Cyclone Gamane over Madagascar.

Cyclone Gamane over Madagascar. NASA, CC0

A few weeks ago, Cyclone Gamane made landfall on Madagascar. It devastated the island in no time flat, leaving tens of thousands of people homeless and without food or electricity. It arrived on March 27th; the government declared a state of emergency on April 3rd. And despite all of this, there was almost no American news coverage about the disaster.

Gamane began as a tropical cyclone over the South Indian Ocean. By the time it reached Madagascar, its wind speed was clocked at an average of 93 mph, with gusts up to 130 mph recorded. Thirty-three communes were flooded in the three days it pummeled the northern coast, and more than 780 houses were destroyed. Eighteen people were killed and more than 22,000 were displaced from their homes. Estimates suggest that there are roughly 220,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance on the island.

Even before the cyclone, Madagascar was numbered among the worst off in the Global Hunger Index in 2023. Before the flooding in February and with Gamane, much of the island was unable to produce enough food to support the population. Roughly 1.6 million citizens are food insecure, relying instead on humanitarian aid. Additionally, the cyclone came at the beginning of Madagascar’s notoriously dry lean season, which lasts from late March until May. If conditions don’t improve quickly, there are concerns that large chunks of the country will experience crisis-level food insecurity.

Emergency supplies on the island are already low—Gamane is only the third crisis to hit Madagascar in 2024, after the Alvaro storm in January and heavy flooding in February. Local humanitarian associations have made efforts to help the populace recover, but without resources, the government has had to call for aid from other countries.

The UN has set up a funding program under the CERF, the Central Emergency Response Fund, to accumulate funds to send to Madagascar. As of April 21st, the program is 20% funded, and is seeking to raise 90 million dollars. Smaller humanitarian organizations, such as the Redemptorist Solidarity Office (headquartered in Cork, Ireland), have taken action in the meantime to provide what help they can. According to their website, the RSO has provided 15,000 pounds for financial support and is shipping several tons of food items and medical kits. They hope to raise enough money to help provide shelter-building supplies for the displaced as well.

Madagascar is uniquely situated as one of the most susceptible places on Earth to natural disasters. Over the last 35 years, more than 50 hazards, including locust swarms, droughts, and heavy flooding, have struck the country and affected nearly half of the entire population. This has, to some degree, resulted in less coverage being dedicated to each event; even now, almost a month since the storm first made landfall, it has received very little publicity in the United States. But despite this lack of interest, humanitarian action is still being taken. It will be an uphill battle, between the fallout from the storm and the height of the lean season approaching, but with the help of the UN and other independent aid groups, Madagascar can and will recover.

Get Involved

At the moment, due to the lack of publicity that the crisis has received in the US, there are not many volunteer opportunities within the country. Those looking to help can donate to SEED Madagascar (which seeks to combat food insecurity), UNICEF Madagascar (which is working to minimize the effects of climate change on the island), or the World Food Programme’s Madagascar mission (which aims to supply over 1.6 million people with humanitarian assistance).

Ryan Livingston

Ryan is a senior at The College of New Jersey, majoring in English and minoring in marketing. Since a young age, Ryan has been passionate about human rights and environmental action and uses his writing to educate wherever he can. He hopes to pursue a career in professional writing and spread his message even further.

The Dark Side of Light Pollution

As light pollution engulfs over 80 percent of the world's skies, artificial light has demonstrated its detrimental impacts on the health of humans, ecosystems and the planet.

Light pollution in Los Angeles. Erik Levin. CC BY-NC 2.0

Artificial lighting fixtures like street lights and billboards have become commonplace for billions across the globe. While artificial light has been in use for centuries, light pollution has dramatically increased over the past few decades. Considering the global urban population is projected to rise by up to 68 percent in the next 25 years, the demand for artificial light is unlikely to subside.

Light is integral to life on Earth, influencing the planet's creatures down to their DNA. From reproduction to protection from predators, many life-sustaining behaviors rely on the cycle of day and night. Artificial light has been shown to disrupt life in many kinds of ecosystems. In the wetlands, artificial light interferes with nocturnal mating rituals. Starlight and the Sun's rays also serve as important navigation devices for many animals and insects. When artificial light disrupts these natural signals animals like baby sea turtles and birds can be drawn to their demise.

Within ecosystems, seemingly small changes brought by the presence of artificial light can have cascading effects. For example, some predators have evolved to target insects swarming artificial light. As vital members of the food chain, the decline of insect populations poses a threat to everything in the food web.

The reach of artificial light is not limited to urban areas, as it has been found to seep below the soil and into the oceans. Artificial light hinders the ability of microorganisms in the dirt to use carbon. Meanwhile, artificial light in the oceans has been found at depths of more than 66 feet, affecting the life-sustaining activities of many marine species.

The negative effects of artificial light are not always direct. The electricity required to sustain the current consumption of artificial light mostly comes from coal-fueled power plants. This production emits 15 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year, contributing to climate change and posing further threats to ecosystems.

People are not immune to the negative effects of their own creations. A mere 15 minutes of exposure to bright artificial light has the power to halt melatonin production. Due to its disruptive effects on circadian rhythms, artificial light can contribute to health conditions ranging from sleep disorders to heart disease. While artificial light is often used as a tool for safety and security, it can have the opposite effect. For example, glaring light can cause poor visibility.

While artificial light may be necessary for people to function at night, nearly one-third of all lighting is unnecessary, leaving ample room to cut down on its negative effects. Scholars propose prioritizing dark sky conservation in electric lighting design, using warm-colored light, and avoiding blue-colored light. Blue-colored light is particularly harmful for people and ecosystems alike because it scatters farther than warm-colored light. People can limit their light pollution by shielding, dimming, and turning off lights. Advocacy organizations suggest keeping light pollution in mind when shopping for lighting products. Environmentally friendly models will have adequate shielding to prevent glare and limit the amount of light escaping into surrounding areas. 


To advocate for limiting light pollution, get involved in non-profits like DarkSky and Light Justice, which offer opportunities for advocacy and education.

Madison Paulus

Madison is a student at George Washington University studying international affairs, journalism, mass communication, and Arabic. Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, Madison grew up in a creative, open-minded environment. With passions for human rights and social justice, Madison uses her writing skills to educate and advocate. In the future, Madison hopes to pursue a career in science communication or travel journalism.

Miles4Migrants' Pledge to Reunite 70,000 Families

Through the donation of unused travel rewards, Miles4Migrants has leveraged $17 million worth of donated frequent flier miles to reunite vulnerable individuals affected by war, persecution or climate disaster with their families.

Courtesy of UNHCR.

Founded in 2016 by Seth Stanton, Nick Ruiz and Andy Freedman, Miles4Migrants (M4M) emerged as a philanthropic force dedicated to the cause of preventing families from being torn apart by displacement. With a resolute focus on leveraging donated frequent flyer miles and points, the non-profit organization strategically orchestrates flights, intricately navigating global airline alliances, airline routes and immigration regulations for families who have received legal approval for relocation. 

Donors are asked to commit a minimum of 1,000 to 47,500 points or miles, depending on the program. After pledging, the flight booking team at M4M will match the donated miles with an individual or family seeking asylum or with refugee status but who cannot afford airfare to relocate. The matching process looks at which itinerary will get the most out of a donation, which case will keep the most family members together on the same reservation, the fastest flight route, and the least booking friction for the donor. The matching process may take several weeks, and M4M will keep donors informed, providing the recipient's photo(s) and a story detailing how their contribution has made a difference. In addition to frequent flyer miles, donors can contribute travel vouchers and cash. Miles4Migrants presently accepts a wide range of vouchers, including those from Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, JetBlue, Allegiant Air and others.

Miles4Migrants has achieved remarkable feats since its inception, facilitating travel for an impressive 43,187 individuals spanning 98 countries. This commendable endeavor, valued at an astounding $17 million, has been made possible by redeeming an impressive 775 million miles, courtesy of generous donors.

The organization's recent appearance at the UNHCR Global Refugee Forum in Geneva underscored its commitment to an innovative and ambitious strategy. M4M’s Executive Director Glaydon de Freitas revealed a visionary multi-currency system, integrating money, frequent flyer miles, credit card points, and travel vouchers. This multi-faceted approach, coupled with M4M's expertise in flight booking and strategic partnerships with major airlines, ensures a cost-effective and efficient procurement of airline tickets.

During the forum, Miles4Migrants boldly pledged to reunite 70,000 forcibly displaced individuals with their families by 2030, with an initial goal of reuniting 10,000 families in the upcoming year. This resolute commitment aligns seamlessly with Global Compact On Refugee’s Roadmap 2030 on third-country solutions for refugees and the broader multi-stakeholder initiative to reunite at least 1 million refugee families by 2030.

To achieve these tremendous family reunification goals, Miles4Migrants has meticulously outlined specific strategies. These include identifying the most value-efficient flight options across all airlines, proactively mobilizing resources, utilizing a comprehensive database system for efficient tracking, providing post-booking support to NGO partners, and fostering crucial partnerships with airlines and corporations.

In fact, corporate partnerships and long-term sponsorships have emerged as linchpins in Miles4Migrants' operation. The Shapiro Foundation, led by President Ed Shapiro, stands as a keystone partner, generously committing to funding 500 flights in 2024, contributing significantly to the nonprofit's goal of reuniting 70,000 families by 2030. A recent collaboration with The Points Guy (TPG), a prominent name in the travel industry, further exemplifies the importance of corporate support. TPG became an official corporate sponsor and pledged to match cash donations of up to $15,000. At the end of its five-week campaign, TPG raised 5,561,479 miles (worth nearly $120,000), receiving more than $1,487 in flight vouchers, and—thanks to TPG and Lonely Planet matches—raised $30,275 in cash donations. Miles4Migrants said it was the second-highest number of miles contributed from any partner campaign and also one of the highest cash amounts it has been able to raise. The donations were enough to fly around 500 people to safety.

Get Involved

The call to action is clear—dormant travel rewards can catalyze change. Miles4Migrants implores individuals to consider donating unused frequent flyer miles, credit card points or travel vouchers to play a pivotal role in reuniting families and offer fresh starts to those in need. The organization encourages supporters to amplify its cause through social media, whether that be through sharing impactful stories, motivating friends and family to contribute unused rewards, or organizing local events to bolster collective efforts.

Raeann Mason

Raeann is a traveler, digital storyteller, and guide writer with a Mass Communication & Media degree from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. She is passionate about a/effective journalism and cultural exchange and advocates for international solidarity and people's liberation. Her work at CATALYST focuses on reshaping the culture of travel and hospitality to be more ethically sound and sustainable.

Clean Cookware Used to Improve Women’s Health and Combat Climate Change

Millions of women in developing countries lack access to clean cookware. International organizations are working to change that. 

Women in India testing a solar cooker. United Nations Development Program. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Although the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995 made groundbreaking strides toward gender equality, one key issue was never addressed: providing households with clean cookstoves. At least 3 billion people across the developing world rely on open fires to cook their food, a task mainly entrusted to women. Cooking on open fires can hold severe environmental and health implications for women and their families. 

According to the Clean Cooking Alliance, cooking over open fires is the second-largest contributor to global warming aside from carbon dioxide emissions. The burning process releases black carbon, or soot, which lowers the reflective quality of glaciers and sea ice, causing them to melt. Additionally, the demand for wood as fuel results in unsustainable harvesting and deforestation. Studies indicate that at least 30% of the wood used in the developing world is unsustainably harvested, negatively affecting the ecosystem’s health, biodiversity and erosion. The absence of trees prevents carbon dioxide from being absorbed from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, further compounding the effects of global warming. 

Cooking on an open fire also exposes women and children to toxic levels of household air pollution, sometimes over 35 times the amount deemed safe by the World Health Organization. Exposure to air pollution can have detrimental effects on one’s health, causing increased risks of childhood pneumonia, lung cancer, strokes and atherosclerosis. In some cases, exposure to high levels of air pollution has led to complications during birth. Health conditions related to smoke inhalation kill over 4 million people each year. 

Access to safe cookware in the developing world remains limited, especially in areas torn apart by humanitarian crises. Women often put themselves in dangerous and even life-threatening situations while searching for cooking fuel. Women collecting firewood near refugee camps and conflict zones face increased risks of gender-based violence. Additionally, children accompanying their mothers to find firewood cannot attend school and miss out on available educational opportunities. The time spent gathering firewood further prevents women from seeking valuable opportunities to generate income for their families and children. 

Empowering Women Through the Clean Cooking Alliance 

Women collecting firewood in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Oxfam International. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Founded in 2010, the Clean Cooking Alliance is an U.N.-backed organization focused on gender equality through cooking. The alliance works with a global team to ensure that 3 billion people gain access to clean cookstoves. Its focus is on increasing consumer demand and supporting local businesses while developing a clean cooking industry in seven countries: Bangladesh, China, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda. Modern cookstoves have reduced black carbon emissions by 30-60% and help to combat climate change. Additionally, having access to cooking equipment can save women up to 300 hours and $200 per year, giving them more free time to spend with their families or economic pursuits. As the Clean Cooking Alliance expands its reach, hopes are high that women and their families will be empowered across the developing world. 

To Get Involved: 

Check out the Global Cooking Alliance’s initiatives on its website or head to its fundraising page

Megan Gürer

Megan is a Turkish-American student at Wellesley College in Massachusetts studying Biological Sciences. Passionate about environmental issues and learning about other cultures, she dreams of exploring the globe. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, singing, and composing music.

The Sexism Woven into Language

Subtle sexism in language emerges when the male gender is prescribed as default, contributing to gender inequalities and linguistic biases.

Language Across the World. Emma Howard. CC BY 2.0

Language shapes and reflects the cultural norms and values of its speakers. Unfortunately, many languages around the world include subtle forms of sexism which have historically prescribed the male gender as their default. From grammatical structures to the usage of words that perpetuate unequal dynamics, language can unintentionally serve as a vehicle for sexism.

Most languages around the world fall into three categories: gendered languages—nouns and pronouns have a gender (Spanish—el es pequeno/ella es pequena—he/she is little, French—il est petit/elle est petite—he/she is little), genderless languages—nouns and pronouns do not have a gender (Mandarin—他很小 / 她很小—he/she is little) and natural gender languages—gendered pronouns and genderless nouns (English, he is little/she is little). Of the gendered languages listed, the two share patterns of a masculine grammatical default, mixed-gender groups taking masculine endings and feminine nouns derived from masculine ones. In Spanish and French there is a male default that applies when the gender of a subject is unclear or if a group is mixed-gender. A male friend in French is ami while a female friend is amie. In French, there is no gender neutral pronoun for ‘they’ and the masculine is considered the dominant plural form. Therefore, if there is a group of French girls who are amies; add one male and they become amis. Aside from grammar, some words in French did not have a feminine form until official guardians of the French language approved the feminisation of certain titles to eliminate male linguistic dominance. Insistence on calling female presidents Madame le president was subsequently dropped in an attempt to end the bias putting women at a disadvantage.

Mandarin, unlike some European languages, does not assign gender to its nouns, but some of its written characters ascribe negative stereotypes to women. Chinese characters are made up of phonetic and semantic radicals that are listed together in dictionaries. The Chinese radical for “woman” (女) can be found in characters such as “mother,” (妈) “sister” (姐) and “safety” (安) but is also found in more negative characters including “jealousy,” (妒) “slave” (奴隶) and “rape” (强奸). The contrast between these positive and negative connotations are stark but even those that are positive are representative of gender stereotypes themselves; “safety” (安) is thought to represent a woman under a roof. Conversely, the word for “man” (男) is made by the radicals for “field” (田) and “power” (力). Aside from the makeup of the characters themselves, grammatical word order has been said to favor men, for example, in instances where the word “parents” means literally “father and mother.” Ironically, even the phrase for “gender equality” places the male character before the female one (男女平等).

Globally, some languages are representative of a time where the patriarchy was more powerful. They serve as a reminder that words and grammar can sustain sexism covertly and can also impose particular worldviews on their speakers. Some words have different meanings depending on whether they are used in a masculine or feminine form. Others have no male equivalent for a derogatory female word. For instance in Italian, un passeggiatore is a man who loves to walk. Make this word feminine and the definition drastically changes to have a sexual connotation. Alternatively, in English, there is no male equivalent of a “spinster,” the closest being “bachelor” which tends not to carry the same negative, undesirable connotations.

Negative connotations have made their way into technology as well, with one study finding that Google Translate often assumes that, when translating from other languages into English, the subject is male. Male default has also shown up in translator applications where gender bias shows up most in “fill in gender” translations. One tweet focused on Turkish and its gender-biases when translating to English. Sentences like o bir ascı translated to “she is a cook” while others like o bir muhendis translated to “he is an engineer.” Because Turkish is a gender neutral language it becomes clear that Google Translate filled in genders based on stereotypes and bias. Modern neural network-powered machines derive meaning from the statistical patterns of large texts during training, meaning that if our data is biased, machines will be as well.

Women already face barriers to their participation in society, but now with gendered languages playing a role. One research project examined the grammatical structure of over 4,000 languages spoken by 99% spoken by the world’s population, finding that nearly 40% of people speak a gendered language. From this it was found that grammatical gendered language is associated with roughly a 15% gap in female labor force participation. Consequently, gendered languages have become associated with worse labor market participation for women and regressive gender norms. Recognizing how linguistic sexism is causing quantifiable effects is a crucial step in creating more inclusivity in language and society. Efforts to challenge sexist vernacular have gained momentum in the form of gender-neutral language or inventing female-gendered nouns, as opposed to the old practice of adding suffixes onto male ones. In Spanish, the masculine “o” and feminine “a” endings are being replaced by a gender-neutral “e” to create more inclusion for women and those who identify as non-binary. Similarly, in Russia women are advocating for female-gendered nouns which are not mere add-ons to male nouns. In Russian, “doctor” is vrach but becomes vrachinia in its feminine forms, roughly translated as “doctoress,” housing some sexist undertones.

As to be expected, there has been some backlash over leaving behind current gender structures and deviating from the original languages, but speech is not a stagnant entity. Language, to be inclusive, must evolve and change over time in order to progress and mitigate pervasive forms of gender inequality. Recognizing and challenging these linguistic biases is crucial for dismantling the systematic disadvantages and stereotypes that women face.

Mira White

Mira is a student at Brown University studying international and public affairs. Passionate about travel and language learning, she is eager to visit each continent to better understand the world and the people across it. In her free time she perfects her French, hoping to someday live in France working as a freelance journalist or in international affairs.

Protests for Palestine and Israel Take Off Around the World

Countries across the world have taken to protest in response to the Israel-Hamas War.

Protest for Palestine in Melbourne. Matt Hrkac. CC BY 2.0

On October 7, Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip that killed more than 1,200 people. Since the assault Israel has responded with a ground invasion that has resulted in the death of more than 11,000 people in the exclave. In light of the growing humanitarian crises in Israel and Palestine, protests supporting either side in the conflict erupted globally. 

In the Middle East, and particularly Egypt, pro-Palestinian rallies have broken out, expressing solidarity with the population of Gaza over the hostilities. A mass protest on October 20 resulted in the prosecution and detainment of at least 100 people at al-Azhar Mosque in Central Cairo. On October 29, thousands gathered in Islamabad, which became the largest pro-Palestine rally in Pakistan since the beginning of the war in October. Protests denouncing Israel’s aerial bombardment in Gaza have ramped up around the Middle East, particularly in Jordan. On October 13, riot police dispersed hundreds of protestors attempting to reach a border zone within the West Bank. Jordanian anti-riot police clashed with protesters again on October 18 after demonstrators planned to march to the Israeli embassy and were torching property along the way. In Africa, Israel has substantial support from the Ivory Coast and Kenya, but public sympathies have predominantly tilted toward the Palestinians.

Reactions to the war have varied across Europe. In Paris, hundreds gathered on October 12 to express solidarity with Palestinians and call for a ceasefire from Israeli strikes in Gaza. This demonstration resulted in police using tear gas and water cannons to control crowds. Across France there were around 40 other demonstrations, including one in Lyon with an estimated turnout of 5,000 people, according to French police who, again, used force to control the protest. Conversely, thousands marched in support of Israel. On October 9, a crowd gathered at Place du Trocadero for a march that rallied 20,000 people at an Eiffel Tower lit to resemble the flag of Israel. 

London has also experienced thousands of pro-Palestine protests. On October 21, nearly 100,000 protestors took to the streets of Central London to call for an end to Israel’s bombing of Gaza. Hundreds more gathered in Trafalgar Square on November 5 for a sit-in that brought Oxford Circus to a standstill. On November 11, hundreds of thousands of people gathered for what became the largest pro-Palestine protest in British history. Demonstrators also expressed support for Israel in Trafalgar Square in response to the pro-Palestine demonstration a day before. The rally filled Central London Square and included posters of those who are missing, calling for the release of hostages taken by Hamas in the initial attack. 

Palestine Solidarity Protestors in Trafalgar Square, London. Alisdare Hickson. CC BY 2.0

Similar to Europe, in the United States there has been widespread support for the Palestinian cause. A November 4 protest in Washington D.C. drew supporters from around the country with 300,000 people in attendance, making this the largest pro-Palestine mobilization in U.S. history. Other cities across the country have also demonstrated support for Palestine: hundreds marched in Boston on October 16, over 1,000 people attended a demonstration in Chicago on October 18 and a peaceful march on November 7 in New York City. Tens of thousands of demonstrators have crowded city streets to demand a ceasefire in Gaza, including Jewish advocacy groups. On October 27, thousands of Jews gathered in Grand Central Station to denounce the violence against Palestinians. The gathering was organized by the Jewish Voice for Peace organization, which held a second protest on November 6 at the Statue of Liberty, attended by hundreds. The group has been involved with cities across the country and has mobilized demand for a ceasefire in many other places: JVP-Philly, JVP-Seattle, JVP-BayArea and JVP-Triangle (Durham NC). In concentrated efforts, universities across the country have held protests. At Harvard University, more than 1,000 students rallied in Harvard Yard in support of Gaza on October 15. In Providence, around 500 Brown University students walked out of class on October 25 to support Palestine and a second walkout was held on November 8. On the evening of the 8th, a peaceful sit-in of about 20 Jewish students took place in Brown’s University Hall.

Jewish Allies for Palestine in NYC. Pamela Drew. CC BY 2.0 

Comparable to other global responses to the conflict, Asia has also experienced an influx of pro-Palestine support. In Indonesia and Malaysia, protests against Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip have erupted. In Jakarta, thousands gathered at the National Monument on November 5 to express solidarity and support with Gaza. In Kuala Lumpur, 15,000 people gathered on October 15 to condemn Israel’s attacks, including prominent politicians such as former prime ministers Muhyidden Yassin and Mahathir Mohamad. Much of Southeast Asia has been swept by solidarity for Palestinians, including Singapore, and in response to the ban on public rallies, activists have mobilized online to demonstrate their support. In New Delhi, two Muslim scholars used a WhatsApp display photo reading ‘I stand with Palestine’ to extend their support. Online mobilization has perhaps created a way to reach a broader audience. In India, pro-Israel rallies have been permitted; however, there has been a crackdown on Palestinian solidarity demonstrations.

In Latin and South America, protests have spread across most countries in support of the Palestinian cause, including Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Venezuela. On November 4, pro-Palestine supporters gathered on Avenida Paulista in Sao Paulo for a demonstration. They held rolled clothes stained with red paint to represent children who have been lost to the violence. Outraged by the conflict, thousands gathered on October 25 at the outskirts of Santiago de Chile for a concert expressing solidarity with Palestinians. Support for Israel in South America in the form of protests or demonstrations appears to be minor; however, it may just be overwhelmed by the abundance of support for Palestine.

In Australia, pro-Palestine rallies in Sydney have called for the government to drop its support for Israel. On October 5, 20,000 people participated in a pro-Palestine rally that came after the one in Washington D.C., calling for a ceasefire of the hostilities. Protests in Australia have continued to be primarily pro-Palestine, with 15,000 marching through Sydney on  October 21 and other rallies held in Perth, Hobart and Brisbane. On November 7, a pro-Palestine protest of about 100 people blocked a busy intersection in Melbourne. The police subsequently used pepper spray on the activists and dragged them from the intersection in an attempt to get traffic moving again. Hundreds of people showed up to a protest the following day, preventing trucks from entering the operating area of an Israeli shipping line.

Melbourne Rally for Palestine. Matt Hrkac. CC BY 2.0

Even in the midst of polarized opinions, Jewish peace activists in the United States called for a ceasefire in Gaza and justice for Palestinians. 10,000 people, including Jews, marched on Capitol Hill on October 18, calling on the U.S. government to stop providing aid to Israel and acknowledging the conflict as a “sobering reminder” of Jewish history. Stark reminders of Jewish people lost to or missing in the conflict have taken shape in the form of “kidnapped” posters or empty Shabbat tables, representing the plight of the Israeli psyche and spreading awareness of those being held hostage. These kidnapped posters have subsequently been torn down by anti-Israel activists, quickly become its own form of protest, often characterized as antisemitic. An empty Shabbat table installation was created in Times Square to raise awareness for the 224 hostages being held by Hamas. An estimated 290,000 people gathered on November 14 in D.C. to demonstrate the solidarity of the Jewish community and in response to critics of the Israeli military.

Globally, people are demanding peace and justice through action. In spite of challenges towards a sustainable solution, global protests embody the collective hope for Israelis and Palestinians to coexist in peace and security.


Jewish Voice for Peace - As the largest anti-Zionist organization in the world, this group identifies themselves as a political home for Jews on the left and a Jewish community with solidarity for the Palestinian cause. 

Palestine Solidarity Campaign - PSC is the biggest organization in the UK, dedicated to securing Palestinian rights and freedom for everyone in the region.

National Students for Justice in Palestine - The group supports over two hundred Palestine solidarity organizations on college campuses in the U.S. and Canada, promoting an agenda for Palestinian liberation.

ANSWER Coalition - As an acronym that stands for Act Now To Stop War and End Racism, the coalition has mobilized anti-war and peace movements for the people of Palestine.

Palestinian Feminist Collective - PFC is a group of Palestinian and Arab feminists committed to Palestinian liberation by addressing gendered and sexual violence.

Rabbis for Ceasefire - A group of Rabbis who have called for ceasefire to genocidal violence, calling on American representatives to demand immediate action.

Israeli-American Council - The IAC’s mission is to build a united community of Israeli-Americans to strengthen the Jewish identity. It is the United States’s largest Israeli-American organization.

The Jewish Federations of North America - Made up of 146 federations across North America, the group's mission is to protect and enhance the well-being of Jewish people through contributions to Jewish communities and Israel.

Mira White

Mira is a student at Brown University studying international and public affairs. Passionate about travel and language learning, she is eager to visit each continent to better understand the world and the people across it. In her free time she perfects her French, hoping to someday live in France working as a freelance journalist or in international affairs.

Flooding in Libya: A Harbinger of Climate Change’s Deadly Effects

Sustainable infrastructure is the world’s best defense against increase in precipitation due to climate change.

Aid workers struggle to reach city in Libya where catastrophic flooding killed thousands. PBS.

Catastrophic flooding in Libya in September has taken as many as 5,300 human lives, according to the Interior Ministry of Libya’s eastern government. Amid such massive human casualties, many around the world are left wondering how such losses may be prevented as climate related natural disasters become increasingly common.

Extreme flooding events like the one in Libya are on the rise as Earth’s average temperature increases, causing more evaporation and thus greater precipitation. According to the EPA, global precipitation has increased by an average of 0.04 inches per decade since 1901. In more than half of recorded locations, flooding is now at least 5 times more common than it was in the 1950s. This month alone, the effects of extreme precipitation and flooding have been felt in Hong Kong, Greece, Turkey, Brazil, Libya and the United States. 

In Libya and around the world, urban planning must adapt quickly to the rising threat of flooding. However, this poses a challenge for many developing nations where resources are often either limited or diverted elsewhere. For example, in Derna, the city in northeast Libya that was the most affected by the flooding, neglected infrastructure was in part to blame for the catastrophic loss of human life. Heavy rains caused two dams to burst, dams that experts have been warning are prone to collapse for years. Unfortunately, resources in Libya are generally diverted towards the ongoing civil war. More busy with conflict than governing, public officials failed to provide the necessary repairs on the dams.

Moreover, climate change not only increases precipitation but also hinders the environment’s ability to withstand heavy rainfall. In Derna, the inundation of the area has washed away much of the soil, which would have helped absorb some of the precipitation. The ground in and around Derna has been left hard, cracked, and stripped of vegetation. Due to these conditions, very little water was retained in the ground, worsening the flooding. Globally, similar conditions must be prevented if flooding events like the one in Libya are to be curbed. 

Libya is far from the only place where the infrastructure is inadequate in the face of increasingly heavy rains. Most urban areas around the world, even those in rich countries with the resources to adapt like the United States, have not created infrastructure nor correctly supported the local environment to prevent extreme flooding. Globally, urban planning must now be rapidly modified to account for increasing precipitation.

Making the ground more permeable is the most impactful way urban planning can help reduce extreme flooding. One way this can be achieved is through the incorporation of permeable pavement. Using this type technique allows water to pass through porous paved surfaces into groundwater stores instead of overwhelming the local drainage systems. Further, creating more green spaces, including green roofs, trees, parks, and rain gardens, all increase the permeability of the ground. When the ground can absorb more water, flooding events like the one in Libya may be prevented.

Get Involved:

To help Libyan flood victims you can donate to UNICEF, International Rescue Community, or Doctors Without Borders.

Sophia Larson

Sophia Larson is a recent graduate of Barnard College at Columbia University. She previously worked as the Assistant Editor on the 2021 book Young People of the Pandemic. She has also participated as a writer and editor at several student news publications, including “The UMass Daily Collegian” and “Bwog, Columbia Student News.”

Free The Nipple: Unpacking Inequality in the Feminist Movement

Evaluating the absence of inclusive representation in a movement that claims to empower all women.

Activists march for #FreeTheNipple. Maria Eklind. CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

#FreeTheNipple is a movement that aims to spread awareness about the sexualization of women’s bodies. Its very mission is to point out the hypocrisy in the sexist laws that police women’s bodies. Common tactics at protests involve topless rallies and marches at well-known government monuments and social spaces, including social media. 

The movement has gained traction, with celebrity personalities like Cara Delevingne, Kendall Jenner and Amber Rose voicing and — bare-chested — showing their support. It got more attention as some French female protestors would come shirtless to non-feminism related protests. The most notable incidents of this occurred during solidarity protests for Ukraine in response to Russia’s invasion.  

Though a noble initiative, many scholars question who the movement represents, and whether it is inclusive of all women. While some agree with its efforts to desexualise women’s bodies through legislation, others call into question the strategy’s efficacy in actually changing the day-to-day lives of women in the United States and around the world. Some challenge its relative homogeneity, while others still commend its innovative radicalism.

One recurring criticism from afro-feminist advocates in this movement is that, for centuries, black women have been disproportionately exploited and sexualised. In Southern African cultures, the exposure of women's breasts was normalised long before liberal white feminists began advocating toplessness. Despite this history, many black women feel that there is a decolonial aspect to this movement that is not being spoken about enough.

Some also claim that the movement has excluded the bodies of trans women. The Guardian and Reuters have released articles stating that many thinkers have critiqued it for that same reason. 

According to writers like bell hooks, this marginalisation is not a new phenomenon. Black women intellectuals have been excluded from feminist discussions since the formation of the suffragette movement. While Black women fought alongside white women for suffrage, they were ultimately disposed of once their utility to the movement was no longer needed.

Numerous articles share the sentiment that, if western feminism wants to evolve and effect systemic and societal change, it must move beyond the exclusion perpetuated by its forebears. Additionally, in advocating for the freeing of nipples, we must question how and why white supremacist patriarchies have shackled all types of nipples, including those of black, white, brown people.

The #FreeTheNipple movement is similar to the suffragette movement, in that many people laud its contribution to the bolstering of women’s rights. However, others feel it is important to recognize its limitations and the ways it perpetuates exclusion.

The #FreeTheNipple Movement has made many ripples in the most recent waves of feminism. Through drawing parallels to the suffragette movement, its biggest fans and most ardent critics demonstrate how the feminist forms of protest have evolved.

To Get Involved:

Here Are Some Resources

PSA Tackles Breast Cancer Awareness and Freeing the Nipple in One Brilliant Video. Breast cancer awareness group MACMA tackled social media's "no female nipples" policy creatively. In a video, a topless woman with obscured nipples demonstrates breast self-exams on a topless man, addressing breast health for all genders. The campaign, named #ManBoobs4Boobs, cleverly conveys an important message while navigating platform restrictions.

Free the Nipple: The History of A Hidden Movement

The "Free the nipple" movement, about a decade old, aims for gender equality and body acceptance. Originating from the 2012 film "Free The Nipple," it protests censorship and double standards regarding male and female nudity. The movement sparked global protests, legal battles, and discussions about artistic expression, especially on social media platforms like Instagram. Despite some victories, challenges persist, emphasising the ongoing need for body equality.

Will Instagram Ever Free The Nipple?

The article discusses the #Freethenipple movement on Instagram, where artists creatively challenge the platform's ban on female nipples in photography. Despite discussions with Instagram, the ban remains due to cultural and consent concerns. The article explores artists' strategies to navigate these limitations.

Khahliso Myataza

Khahliso is studying Cognitive Sciences and African Studies at Wellesley College and MIT.  At Wellesley, she is the Political Chair of Ethos, and the Lecture Head for the Wellesley African Students Association. She is the standing CEO of the Conscious Campaign - a youth-led organization that aims to spread awareness about social justice issues in South Africa. On social justice projects she has worked with the United Nations and the African Union.

Indonesia's Most Dangerous Job: Mining in an Active Volcano

The mesmerizing sulfur-induced blue flames of Indonesia’s Mount Ijen attract hundreds of tourists every night, but mask one of the most dangerous jobs in the world: sulfur mining.

Sulfur miners of Mount Ijen. Candra Firmansyah. CC BY-SA 4.0. 

Sulphur-induced blue flames are nothing more than a mining by-product, but they have turned Indonesia’s Mount Ijen into a popular tourist attraction. Lured in by the magical phenomenon, I joined a tour group and hiked up the volcano in the hopes of getting a glimpse of the beautiful fire. But the shocking truth of what I discovered was far from magical. Sulfur miners were working in the crater. Slaving away among the fire and smoke, they wore no special clothing nor eye protection. Some did not even have gas masks. Watching the men was heart-rending, and made the blue flames seem completely insignificant. The reality of Mount Ijen is that sulfur miners work everyday in the most unforgiving environment in the world.

Blue flames at Mount Ijen. Thomas Fuhrmann. CC BY-SA 4.0.

Mount Ijen, in Indonesia, is an active volcano situated on East Java, the closest island to the holiday-maker hotspot of Bali. Possessing unique characteristics, the views at Mount Ijen are otherworldly. The volcanic crater holds the largest highly acidic lake in the world, which beams with a vibrant, almost inviting turquoise blue. Above the lake are vivid yellow rocks that have been stained as a result of sulfur gasses condensing.

Mount Ijen. Taylor Girhiny. Used with the author’s permission.

While spectacular to see, many dangers lurk in the volcano. Aside from the unpredictable volcanic eruptions, earthquakes are common and have been known to cause landslides in the crater. There was even an earthquake in 2020 that triggered a seiche-type tsunami in the acid lake. The seismic activity caused the mountain to belch poison gas and generated a three-meter wave that swept across the crater,, killing a sulfur miner.

Despite these dangers, the sulfur has drawn miners to the volcano since 1968 and has become a trade passed down through families ever since. Known locally as the ‘devil’s gold’, it is considered a commodity worth high risk. Not only do miners risk a quick death while mining, but they also experience long-term health issues and have an average life expectancy of just 50 years old.

In the dead of night, when the air is at its coolest, sulfur extraction commences. Miners start by hiking the 2000 feet incline, the equivalent of two eiffel towers, before descending into the crater. At this point, the sulfuric smell of rotten egg takes over, making it hard to breathe. Pipes that travel below the surface provide access to the sulfur. The miners use fire to heat the ground, causing the sulfur to liquidize and trickle through the pipework onto the ground outside. Left to cool and dry, the ‘devil’s gold’ takes shape in the form of rich, yellow crystalized rocks.

Melted sulfur crystallizing. Taylor Girhiny. Used with the author’s permission.

During the heating process, large clouds of harmful gas burst out from beneath the arid, rocky terrain. Each thick, opaque cloud swallows everything in its path, causing a complete whiteout. Unable to see even one meter in front of them, miners are left sightless until the miasma disperse. The atmosphere was so harsh that my throat tightened up and I was coughing after just 10 minutes in the crater. Daily exposure to these toxic fumes leaves miners with life-long respiratory issues. One miner, Udi, explained to me that his own father became blind due to repeated exposure to the fumes and, despite seeing the suffering in his family, has no choice but to follow the same line of work. 

Handmade carrier full of mined sulfur. Eva Adorisio.

Once the sulfur has been processed, it must be carried out of the volcanic crater. A steep path consisting of unsteady rocks is the only way out and, with no technology to aid in their efforts, miners must physically transport every piece of the precious material. They precariously balance up to 170 pounds of sulfur, more than their bodyweight, on their handmade shoulder carriers. Without proper back support, miners suffer back problems and often swelling in the shoulders.

Sulfur produced at Mount Ijen is sold on and used in a variety of products including detergents and cosmetics, and is even used to whiten sugar. According to Udi, one kilogram of sulfur is sold for 1000 Indonesian Rupiah ($0.065). If a miner sells a full load of sulfur that may have taken all night to produce, he will make 75,000 Rupiah (approximately $5). Surprisingly, this makes sulfur mining one of the better paid jobs in this remote area of Java. With high poverty rates, it is clear why locals risk their lives to sustain a livelihood.

Miner selling miniature baskets of sulfur as souvenirs for tourists. Eva Adorisio.

The shocking reality is that local men are putting their lives on the line for what most in the West would consider pocket money. Witnessing them work tirelessly in the most inhumane conditions is an inconceivable sight, yet has become a spectacle for tourists to gawk at. The promise of stunning blue flames may sound alluring, but in truth Mount Ijen is a merciless place that no one should have to call work.

In 2017, Ijen Assistance raised $15,000 for relief work in the region from a music video following Bas, a sulfur miner, and his family. 

Novo Amor & Lowswimmer - Terraform (official video)


Providing aid after natural disasters, Islamic Relief has been working in Indonesia since 2000. After the earthquakes of 2006 and 2009, the organization responded immediately, distributing emergency supplies and later rebuilding a hospital and school. They also work to reduce the effects of poverty and have a variety of development projects across Indonesia.

Currently, there are no organizations working directly to improve the conditions for sulfur miners at Mount Ijen. Despite previous campaigns raising awareness and money, such as the ‘Terraform’ music video, miners continue to work in the same harsh conditions.

Eva Adorisio

Eva is an avid traveler and writer from Bristol, England. In her writing, she aims to show the true nature of what a place is really like. Her Italian roots have led to a love of food, culture and language. She also spends her time staying active out in nature and is always searching for the next adventure.