‘Bad Students’: Thai High Schoolers Turned Political Activists

What started as a group of students protesting clothing and hair restrictions has turned into a political activism movement thousands strong. Thailand’s “Bad Students” are protesting a military-backed government and calling for reforms to the constitution and monarchy. 

On Nov. 21, thousands of pro-democracy activists gathered in downtown Bangkok to protest Thailand’s royalist, military-backed government. Some protesters came dressed as dinosaurs, in large, inflatable T-Rex suits, while others carried balloons shaped like meteors calling for the end of the “dinosaur age,” a reference to the conservative attitudes of government officials. The protesters called for the resignation of the current government, headed by Premier Prayut Chan-o-cha, a former army chief, as well as a new constitution to replace the current one, which was written by the military. 

Ahead of the protest, three of its organizers were summoned to a police station for questioning: 16-year-old Benjamaporn Nivas and two boys, also high school students. The three teenagers are some of the leaders of the “Bad Students,” a group of pro-democracy students in Thailand that has joined the broader protests against the government. 

At first, the Bad Students were focused solely on education reform; they wanted a complete overhaul of the education system, which they say promotes conformity and blind obedience through rote learning and whitewashed history. In August, hundreds of students gathered outside the education minister’s office, demanding no uniforms, no restrictions on hair length, and a modern curriculum. Since becoming a democracy, Thailand has had 13 successful coups, but textbooks ignore pro-democracy history and instead promote the monarchy. Following the August protest, the Bad Students also insisted that the education minister resign, distributing thousands of copies of a mock resignation letter and later even staging a mock funeral for him. 

Shortly after their August protest, the Bad Students realized that they would never achieve the reforms they wanted under the current government. Nivas said they learned that “the education ministry is just one part of a bigger, rotten system from the past that needs to be changed,” and that the voices of the Bad Students would be more useful if they joined the broader pro-democracy movements. 

Thailand has been at least a nominal democracy since 1932, when it abolished absolute monarchy in favor of constitutional monarchy. Over the years, Thailand has been mostly ruled by military governments, with its monarch serving as head of state. In addition to condemning Chan-o-cha’s military-backed rule, protesters have criticized the monarchy for spending Thai tax revenue and endorsing the military’s role in politics. Maha Vajiralongkorn, Thailand’s current monarch, is being pressured to remain bound by the constitution, to cut ties with the military-led establishment, to open palace books to the public for scrutiny and to repeal Thailand’s lèse-majesté law, which allows imprisonment for defamation of any member of the royal family.  

The government did not give ground to pro-democracy activists after the Nov. 21 protest. Chan-o-cha issued a warning that all laws, including lèse-majesté, would continue to be enforced. With neither the government nor the protesters changing their stance, some experts worry that the situation could descend into violence. Others, however, are hopeful. Chan-o-cha appeared in constitutional court on Dec. 2 for a minor infringement, and some saw this appearance as a way for the government to remove him as premier by legal means, thereby ousting him without giving in to the demands of the protesters. The Bad Students and other pro-democracy groups continue to plan, holding rallies and protests while advocating for change and a greater voice for the people. 

To Get Involved: 

To take action to support the pro-democracy movements in Thailand, sign the Amnesty International petition to defend peaceful protesters here

Rachel Lynch

Rachel is a student at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY currently taking a semester off. She plans to study Writing and Child Development. Rachel loves to travel and is inspired by the places she’s been and everywhere she wants to go. She hopes to educate people on social justice issues and the history and culture of travel destinations through her writing.

Students Call for a Democratic Revolution in Thailand

2020 seems to be the year when students across the globe take part in changing their societies, no matter the cost.

Student protesters. Prachatai. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

In Thailand, student-run organizations have led the march that grew to be an all-out revolution in the busy streets of Bangkok. Thousands of protesters have congregated in the crowded commercial center, Ratchaprasong, chanting for the Thai government to listen to their demands. Protesters call for the removal of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, the reduction of the monarchy’s budget so the king’s funds would be separated from crown assets, and the abolition of the strict lese majeste laws which ban the voicing of criticisms against the king. 

The unrest began in 2019 when the government banned the most vocal party opposing the power of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. Thai citizens are calling for his removal due to the potentially corrupt manner in which he came to power. In 2014 it is said that Prayut staged a coup that shifted his position from army chief to prime minister. The monarchy endorsed his premiership in 2019, allowing him to stay in power after elections which were controversially deemed “fair.” 

The Grand Palace in Bangkok. Tom Eversley. CC0

The protests were put on hold through the early part of the year due to COVID-19, but are now growing at a rapid rate. In early October, the government accused protesters of obstructing Queen Suthida’s motorcade during a mass gathering at the Government House to demand the removal of Prayut. Despite the government’s imposition of emergency measures such as banning the gatherings of five or more people, forbidding the  publication of news that could “harm national security” and deploying 15,000 police officers to quell the protesters, tens of thousands continually show up to stand for their rights.

Woman waving the Thai flag. The Global Panorama. CC BY-SA 2.0

According to Human Rights Watch, the new emergency measures are allowing officials to keep protesters for up to 30 days without bail or access to lawyers and family members. Human Rights Watch’s deputy director of the Asia Division, Phil Robertson, stated that, “Rights to freedom of speech and holding peaceful public assemblies are on the chopping block from a government that is now showing its truly dictatorial nature.”

University students seem to be at the core of the current demonstrations. The Free Youth Movement was behind the first major protest back in July, inspiring a group from Thammasat University to establish the United Front of Thammasat. Even high school students have joined the fray, identifying as the Bad Student Movement, as they call for education reform. Most of these kids are in their twenties, but they have attracted the attention and support of human rights leaders and lawyers like Arnon Nampa, who was arrested in October along with prominent youth leaders. 

Student protesters. Prachatai. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Panupon Jadnok, a teenage protest leader, led a passionate speech during a rally: 

“Like dogs cornered, we are fighting till our deaths. We won't fall back. We won't run away. We won't go anywhere.”

Raising their hands in the iconic three-finger salute made popular by ”The Hunger Games,” protesters are shouting in the streets for the police to “release [their] friends” and to stop being “slaves of dictatorship.” They will continue to fight for what they believe is right until all of their demands have been met and their friends and country are free.


Yuliana Rocio

is currently a Literature/Writing major at the University of California San Diego. Yuliana likes to think of herself as a lover of words and a student of the world. She loves to read, swim, and paint in her free time. She spent her youth as part of a travel-loving family and has grown up seeking adventure. She hopes to develop her writing skills, creating work that reflects her voice and her fierce passion for activism.