Fighting Back with Fakes: Decoy Turtle Eggs Combat Poaching in Costa Rica 

Combating turtle poachers has often seemed like a hopeless task where innocent hatchlings always tend to lose. However, scientists in Costa Rica are beating poachers through the implantation of decoy eggs. 

Olive ridley turtle hatchling. Roehan Rengadurai. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. 

When one thinks of a turtle’s life, it is often the image of an aged green sea turtle gliding gracefully over magnificently colorful coral reefs. Conversely, it could also be an injured turtle succumbing to increasing plastic pollution as it struggles to escape the rings of a beer can. What is often overlooked are the turtles that never even break into the daylight; millions of turtle eggs are stolen by malicious poachers who sell them to under-the-table buyers. 

Costa Rica stands as a prime example of a place where turtle egg poachers are abundantly transporting stolen eggs to urban areas. 

Turtle eggs are somewhat of a delicacy in Costa Rica, where they are served in a variety of ways. For instance, they are mixed with beer, served raw, or hard-boiled. Prices of the eggs vary widely, with some costing $5 apiece while others can set one back around $20. 

Poachers stealthily scavenge beaches known to house turtle egg nests, which primarily belong to the threatened olive ridley and endangered green sea turtle species. Scientists now realize that effectively tracking poaching activity may require an innovative but rather odd approach.

The decoy eggs, called InvestEGGators, are formed using a 3D printer and are made out of silicone. They are around the size of a pingpong ball and look nearly identical to real turtle eggs. The white balls are also slightly painted with a textured paint to mimic the varied hues of an egg. Inside, there is a small black block that houses a GPS transmitter. The tracker feeds information about the location of the egg once every hour. The hope is that poachers mistakenly pick up the decoy egg along with real ones, since poachers tend to take whole nests at once. 

Scientists have invested in this method because it has more beneficial long-term effects on combating the poaching problem. Instead of catching poachers in the act, researchers say that it is much more effective to track the distance and location that the eggs travel to be sold. From an enforcement point of view, tracking the location of sites where the eggs are sold to buyers allows for more frequent and lasting crackdowns. 

In one test, researchers hid 101 decoys in turtle nests, and about 25% of them were transported by poachers. It was discovered that the distance the eggs traveled varied quite a bit; some traveled just over a mile to someone’s home, while others went well over 80 miles to houses in Costa Rica’s Central Valley. 

Scientists were previously concerned that planting decoy eggs could possibly harm the other eggs’ ability to hatch, but the other eggs appeared to hatch successfully. 

The study has now branched into a larger scope of conservation, with talks that this method can be beneficial in saving other endangered animals. 

As stealthy as poachers may get, sometimes one has to beat them at their own game to have a chance at winning. Luckily, a handful of clever scientists have successfully played the poachers. 

Ella Nguyen

Ella is an undergraduate student at Vassar College pursuing a degree in Hispanic Studies. She wants to assist in the field of immigration law and hopes to utilize Spanish in her future projects. In her free time she enjoys cooking, writing poetry, and learning about cosmetics.

Recycling for the Future: Scientists Create Enzyme Formula to Break Down Plastics

Our human habit of excessive plastic consumption has degraded the environment, and we have yet to find a solution to undo the damage. However, scientists have paved the way for a much speedier resolution with a new enzyme formula. 

Scientists have crafted a formula of two plastic-munching enzymes, PETase and MHETase, to rapidly break down plastic waste. The PETase enzyme has been previously used to break down plastics, and now when combined with MHETase, this duo can dissolve plastics six times faster. 

PETase, as its name implies, is the enzyme that dissolves polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a thermoplastic polymer commonly used in plastic bottles and clothing. The polymer PET takes hundreds of years to break down, but with PETase, the process is reduced to mere days. 

However, the rate at which PET is produced has proven to be far too mighty for the rate at which PETase can break plastics down.

So far, researchers have only found a way to break down plastic bottles, which account for just over 4% of all of the PET production that exists. Ecologists find this minuscule number frightening, as many of Earth’s limited resources are being pushed to the brink while a shift to regular recycling has been quite limited. Scientists are also highly concerned with PET’s active role in accelerating climate change. The copious amounts of greenhouse gases that are spit into the atmosphere during PET production grows more concerning as PET usage rapidly increases. PET is a sturdy material that is not broken down well by microbial organisms, so other potential solutions have failed to effectively break down the impenetrable product. The downside to current popular methods of breaking down plastics is the high amount of energy required; in turn, this becomes an incredibly costly process.

Now, an innovative team consisting of American and British scientists has found a way to create a “super-enzyme.” The MHETase enzyme was studied using the Diamond Light Source, a powerful X-ray beam that is 10 billion times brighter than the sun, to study the atoms of MHETase. They have engineered a way to connect PETase with its sibling enzyme MHETase, which has now tripled the speed of the breakdown process. Their preliminary experiments tested the ability of the enzymes to work together, but as two separate enzymes. Then, they physically connected the two enzymes, and found that the two work better attached. This new enzyme deconstructs plastics in two steps. First, PETase eats away at the surface of the plastic. Then, MHETase slices up the rest. 

Researchers are hoping that providing a commercially sustainable method for plastic deconstruction will shift people away from depleting Earth’s oil and gas resources. The discovery of the super-enzyme formula certainly holds hope for preserving the world’s ecology, if only humans learn to change destructive consuming habits for the better.

Ella Nguyen

is an undergraduate student at Vassar College pursuing a degree in Hispanic Studies. She wants to assist in the field of immigration law and hopes to utilize Spanish in her future projects. In her free time she enjoys cooking, writing poetry, and learning about cosmetics.

Scientists Have Discovered a Large Freshwater Aquifer off the Northeast Coast of the U.S.

The discovery could point to similar reservoirs adjacent to water starved areas.

Photo of Bradley Beach, New Jersey, by Ryan Loughlin on Unsplash.

It’s rare to hear good news on the climate, but occasionally we get lucky. Last month, scientists led by Chloe Gustafson of Comumbia’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory published an article in the Scientific Reports journal. Their discovery? A large freshwater aquifer located off the northeast coast of the U.S.

The possibility of an aquifer was initially discovered during offshore oil drilling in the 1970’s, when oil companies noticed that they occasionally hit pockets of freshwater in the north Atlantic. There was no consensus at the time on whether these were merely isolated areas or if they pointed to something larger. Then, in the late 90’s, Kerry Key, a geophysicist who co-authored the study, began working with oil companies to develop electromagnetic imaging techniques that could help them better examine the sea floor for oil. He later adapted the technology to look for freshwater deposits.

More recently, Key and his colleagues spent 10 days on board a research vessel, charting areas where freshwater had been discovered. “We knew there was freshwater down there in isolated places, but we did not know the extent or geometry,” Chloe Gustafson explained in a press release.

According to the report, the aquifer spans from New Jersey to Martha’s Vineyard, and carries an estimated 670 cubic miles of water lying beneath sponge-like sediment which separates it from the saline ocean water. “These aren’t open caverns or lakes underneath the seafloor,” Gustafson told NBC, “this is water trapped within the pores of rocks, so it’s sort of like a water-soaked sponge.” The reservoir reaches from 600 to 1,200 feet below the seafloor. For comparison, the aquifer carries more than half the water of Lake Michigan.

While the discovery of a large freshwater source is exciting under any circumstance, it is unlikely to have a major impact on access to water in New England, as the area is receives a good amount of rainwater. While the aquifer could be pumped, and the water exported to more arid areas, such efforts would be expensive and unsustainable. Graham Fogg, hydrogeology professor at the University of California Davis, told NBC that “there’s a limit to how much you can pump sustainably. It would take a long time to empty these aquifers, but we wouldn’t want to get to a point where we’ve pumped so much that we’ve exhausted the supply.”

The impact of the study lies in the possibility that such reservoirs could exist off the coasts of drier, more arid places that are prone to water shortage. NBC reports that pointers to the possibility of aquifers have already been found off the coasts of Greenland, South Carolina, and California.

As we experience the effects of climate change, and especially in light of the water shortage in Chennai, this is indeed good news.

EMMA BRUCE is an undergraduate student studying English and marketing at Emerson College in Boston. While not writing she explores the nearest museums, reads poetry, and takes classes at her local dance studio. She is passionate about sustainable travel and can't wait to see where life will take her.