Trail Angels and Trail Magic on the Appalachian Trail

As thru-hikers backpack the Appalachian Trail from Maine to Georgia, people dedicated to assisting the hiking community volunteer their time to perform services to the hikers who need it most.

The Appalachian Trail in the fall. Nicholas T. CC BY 2.0.

Sporadically stationed along the Appalachian Trail (AT)—a hike that spans through 14 states starting in Maine and coming down through Georgia—volunteers dubbed “Trail Angels” set up to assist thru-hikers on their journey across the mountains.

The Appalachian Mountain Range has become one of the three major hiking trails in the U.S. and a welcome challenge for some of the most experienced backpackers in the country. The Appalachian Trail Conservatory (ATC) website states the trail is over 2,190 miles, and to do it in one trip “typically takes five to seven months.” Despite the challenge, thru-hikers travel in droves to attempt the AT every year, facing the physical and mental fatigue that accompanies months of full-day hikes, low calorie meals and poor sleeping and hygiene conditions. But in tests of true strength, a little help is always welcome, and the thru-hiking community shows an aptitude for providing some magic just when it’s needed most. 

A thru-hiker on his journey. @Zen. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Trail Angels are volunteers who provide free services to thru-hikers during their journey across the mountains, a fitting name for their selfless acts of kindness. Trail Angels typically provide what has been called Trail Magic. The Appalachian Trail Conservatory explains Trail Magic as “finding what you need most when you least expect it,” emulating why the work Trail Angels do is so special; it is an unexpected surprise in an environment where everyday is so monotonous - hiking, eating, camping and repeating the process for days on end. Further, in stretches of the Appalachian Trail where the terrain is most daunting, Trail Magic can make a world of difference to thru-hikers contemplating quitting or even more severely, thru-hikers in desperate, life-or-death need of food, water, or shelter.

The services Trail Angels provide generally reside within three realms: food services, ride and supply services, and general care. The ATC explains the phenomena of “hiker feeds”, which is when Angels set up a station along the trail or near trailheads and provide hot meals, beverages, fruit and more to help feed any ravenous backpackers. Additionally, Trail Angels will provide ride services into town for any much needed supplies, including food, propane tanks used for portable stoves and hygiene products. As well as providing Magic on the Trail, Angels occasionally facilitate off-trail services, allowing hikers to spend the night in their personal homes so they can get much needed sleep and hygienic care.

Trail Angel leaving some Magic. @Cyclotourist. CC BY-NC 2.0.

Chatrooms, Facebook groups and Twitter accounts have all been made to connect Trail Angels with thru-hikers in need. Although Trail Magic is typically an unexpected surprise, hikers can occasionally request help during their hike from those willing to give it. The Trail Angel List is a collective organization that specializes in connecting hikers with those wishing to help them. In their online forum, folks can be seen offering their services to the thru-hiking community. 

Most Trail Angels have personal connections, linking their service on the AT with experiences they or a family member has had while backpacking. On the forum, folks like Stan Mordensky write, “I became a Trail Angel well before the summer of 2013 when my son was a thru-hiker on the AT,” following up his post by saying he teaches high-adventure skills and drives around the New Jersey-Pennsylvania border area to help thru-hikers in need. Another thru-hiker, Megan Lynne, states “I have been an avid high-altitude climber…and would like to help with rides, meals…lodging, laundry, showers,” connecting her own past with hiking to her reasons for service to the AT community.

Alongside the veteran-hikers-turned-Trail-Angels, there are also numerous people on forums such as The Trail Angels List that do this work for no plausible reason at all. Maybe they enjoy volunteering in a community so thankful for any help they are given or they like inspiring hikers to continue on with their journey. Maybe they enjoy listening to the stories of the people they meet along the way. Regardless of the reason, no matter the motivation, it is undeniable that Trail Angels are at the heart of the thru-hiking community and demonstrate the power of selfless, genuine community service.

Ava Mamary

Ava is an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois, double majoring in English and Communications. At school, she web writes about music for a student-run radio station. She is also an avid backpacker, which is where her passion for travel and the outdoors comes from. She is very passionate about social justice issues, specifically those involving women’s rights, and is excited to write content about social action across the globe.

Trekking Up Le Morne Brabant Mountain in Mauritius

This mountain, which serves as a symbol of hope, offers hikers a breathtaking view of Le Morne beach and remains a meaningful part of local Mauritian culture. 

Le Morne beach in Mauritius. Colours of Mauritius. Unsplash. 

Tucked away in Mauritius lies Le Morne Brabant mountain, a site known for its beautiful hiking path and bird’s-eye views of the surrounding beach.

With the mountain sitting at 1,824 feet above sea level, the hike to the top takes around three to four hours depending on the speed and size of the group. This hike is no easy feat, as special equipment is required to actually reach the summit due to the steepness of the climb. The trail measures over two miles and is shrouded in greenery and vegetation. Since Le Morne Brabant is situated on private land, it is notably one of the most well preserved and wildest mountains on the island.

The mountain was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site back in 2008, and was closed to the public shortly after. It was not until 2016 that the site reopened to visitors. This was a rather controversial decision, as many believed that reopening the site would contribute to its destruction.  Because of this, there are several restrictions in place for visitors to ensure that this doesn’t happen. For example, most hikers need to be accompanied by a professional guide with EFR/WFA certification, and hikers need a further specialized guide to access the second area of the trail. 

The site also has a rich historical significance. Back in the 1600s, the Dutch East India Company first took slaves to Mauritius to work on sugarcane and tobacco plantations, and by the late 1700s, many more slaves were brought over from other places in Africa and India. Before slavery was later abolished under British rule, Le Morne Brabant was used as a makeshift refuge shelter for runaway slaves. Due to Le Morne’s steep cliffs and isolated location, the escaped slaves were able to easily hide there . They eventually created small settlements on the summit and in the caves along the mountain, where they were able to remain safe. 

Today, the community continues to honor the meaningful history of the mountain,  which is viewed as a beacon of hope. Every year on February 1, the community celebrates the commemoration of the abolition of slavery at the International Slave Route monument, which is situated at the foot of the mountain. 

Zara Irshad

Zara Irshad is a third year Communication student at the University of California, San Diego. Her passion for journalism comes from her love of storytelling and desire to learn about others. In addition to writing at CATALYST, she is an Opinion Writer for the UCSD Guardian, which allows her to incorporate various perspectives into her work.

The Best Places to Rock Climb Around the World 

Rock climbing has been growing in popularity over recent years. These 5 spots are just a few of the world’s most impressive outdoor rock climbing sites. 

Rock climbing is a popular form of exercise; recently, indoor climbing gyms have become more and more common, and sport climbing was added to the Olympics for the Tokyo 2020 games. There are several types of climbing to explore around the world, with varying levels of difficulty and types of gear necessary for each. These five outdoor climbing sites—some of the most famous or unique climbing experiences across the globe—are just a small sampling of the numerous places for climbers of every level to explore. 

North America

El Capitan, California

Located in the Western part of Yosemite National Park’s Yosemite Valley, the granite walls of El Capitan reach more than 3,000 feet in the air. The rock face was formed millions of years ago after the collision of North America with another tectonic plate, forming magma which eventually crystallized into granite. El Capitan is one of several impressive granite rock faces in Yosemite Valley which allow for big wall climbing—a climb up a vertical expanse of rock that often takes multiple days. El Capitan is probably one of the most well-known rock formations among climbers, and it has become famous enough that even those who’ve never climbed may recognize the name. El Capitan has been the subject of a few films, including the Oscar-winning Free Solo, which follows Alex Honnold’s successful summit of the formation without any ropes or safety gear. El Capitan offers dozens of climbing routes for experienced climbers, such as The Nose and Muir Wall. Yosemite also has numerous routes for inexperienced climbers, and guides to help climbers learn the ropes. 

Other places to climb in North America are Kentucky’s Red River Gorge, Mount Asgard on Baffin Island in Canada and Acadia National Park in Maine.  


Kalymnos, Greece

One of Greece’s Dodecanese Islands near the coast of Turkey in the Aegean Sea, Kalymnos is lauded as one of the greatest sport climbing destinations in the world. Sport climbing is a form of high-intensity climbing on routes that are often relatively short. This type of climbing is distinguished by the fact that it relies on preplaced bolts and anchors drilled into the rock. Kalymnos is rather barren, dotted with low shrubs and very few trees; the terrain is mostly mountainous, consisting of major rock formations all along the west coast. In the past, Kalymnos’ barrenness meant that the local population had to turn to the sea to make a living, and the island became a hub for sponge-divers. Beginning in the late 1990s, the island’s rocky terrain began to serve a new purpose, as Italian climber Andrea di Bari and a group of other climbers created sport climbing routes on the cliffs. Today, there are over 3,000 routes on Kalymnos for climbers of varying levels, and the island hosts an annual climbing festival where climbers from around the world travel to compete and set up new routes. 

Europe is considered the birthplace of climbing, and there are a variety of other incredible climbing spots across the continent, including the Dolomites in Italy, Frankenjura in Germany, Fontainebleau in France and Lofoten in Norway. 

South America

La Esfinge, Peru 

Like California’s El Capitan, La Esfinge is an impressive site for big wall climbing. La Esfinge (The Sphinx) is in Peru’s Cordillera Blanca mountain range, which is located in the northern part of the country. Cordillera Blanca is home to abundant native plants and animals, as well as ruins from Inca civilization and pre-Inca cultures. La Esfinge is the most popular rock climbing site in the Cordillera Blanca and is regarded as South America’s premier big wall, a towering granite monolith standing at over 2,000 feet tall. There are many routes up La Esfinge, but the one most traversed by climbers is known as The Original Route, or the 1985 Route, because it is the route that climbers first took to summit in 1985. The 1985 route goes straight up the Eastern face of La Esfinge and is technically the easiest route on the wall, yet it is still a tremendous climb. 

Other prominent climbing destinations in South America include Mount Fitz Roy in Argentina, Cajon del Maipo in Chile, El Gunko in Panama and El Potrero Chico in Mexico. 


Todra Gorge, Morocco

In Southern Morocco, about six hours east of Marrakesh, lies the Todra Gorge, one of the world’s most beautiful canyons and a stunning climbing spot for climbers of all levels. Made by the River Todra carving its way through the limestone for thousands of years, the Todra Gorge is a canyon with cliffs rising over 400 meters high on either side. Todra Gorge boasts more than four hundred climbing routes, ranging from beginner to advanced. The first climbing routes in Todra Gorge were set by Spanish and French climbers in the 1970s, and new routes are constantly being developed by climbers who visit the gorge. One of the things which draws climbers to Todra Gorge is that it can be climbed year-round, as the weather and location ensures that there will always be a cliff in the sun during the winter or the shade during the summer. 

Other challenging climbs in Africa are the Milner Amphitheater and Table Mountain in South Africa, and Mount Kenya in Kenya. 


Railay Beach, Thailand 

Located in the Krabi Province of southern Thailand, Railay is a picturesque peninsula that juts off from the mainland. Although Railay is connected to the rest of Thailand, a series of steep cliffs separates the area from the rest of Thailand, meaning that no roads are able to come through to the peninsula and it is only accessible by boat. Railay has three beaches, all of which are lined by imposing limestone cliffs which make the area popular for rock climbing. Railay offers both sport climbing and bouldering, a form of free climbing. The most popular beach for climbing is Railay West, on the western side of the peninsula, but there are numerous routes on the other Railay beaches as well. Railay Beach boasts routes for climbers of varying levels, as well as some incredible views of the Gulf of Thailand. Two of the most-climbed areas of Railay Beach are the 123 wall and the Thaiwand Wall. Because of its location on the water, the beach provides another unique climbing experience: deep-water soloing. Deep-water soloing combines the free solo climbing style (no ropes or equipment) with water; without equipment, climbers make their way up craggy cliffs over deep bodies of water so if they fall, they land safely in the water. 

There are numerous other rock climbing destinations in Asia, including Long Dong in Taiwan, Cat Ba Island in Vietnam, Yangshuo in China and Mount Katsu in Japan. 

Rachel Lynch

Rachel is a student at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY currently taking a semester off. She plans to study Writing and Child Development. Rachel loves to travel and is inspired by the places she’s been and everywhere she wants to go. She hopes to educate people on social justice issues and the history and culture of travel destinations through her writing.

A Look at Germany’s Quirky but Quaint Ore Mountains

Germany’s Ore Mountains offer bucolic scenery and countless Christmas traditions, all wrapped up into one charming package.

Seiffen, Germany. abejorro34. CC BY-NC 2.0. 

Along the German-Czech border lie the Ore Mountains, one of nature’s grand masterpieces. Stretching over 100 miles, the Ore Mountains appear like a scene out of Narnia: long strips of deep woods sit sprinkled among patches of bright wildflowers, often blanketed in thick snow. The area’s splendid scenery presents itself as the ideal inspiration for painters in search of inspiration.

The history of the region is just as fascinating. Up until their expulsion after World War II, German miners worked the mountain range for its many minerals such as copper, silver and lead. Thus, the range gained its name: the Ore Mountains. After World War II, the small towns that peppered the range lost most of their German populations. These towns were later filled by Czech residents who developed uranium and coal mining. Now, the range’s travel industry has brought much attention to the quaint lifestyle found today in these small towns. 

For guests eager for a gorgeous view or photographers looking for the perfect shot, Fichtelberg Mountain stands as one of the Ore Mountains’ top stops. Fichtelberg Mountain is the second-tallest peak of the Ore Mountains; it sits in the middle of the range and stands nearly 4,000 feet tall. The icy conditions found in the winter attract throngs of alpine skiers, bobsledders and other snow sporters. When the weather warms toward summer, the crowds of snow sporters are replaced by hikers and photographers; trails through patches of woods make for calm hiking opportunities, while the peak itself provides a 360-degree view of the surrounding mountain range.

Snow in the Ore Mountains. VicunaR. CC BY-SA 2.0. 

Another destination sure to pique anyone’s interest is the small town of Seiffen, Germany. Seiffen holds only around 3,000 people, but its influence as a stronghold of local culture makes up for it. The town is famous for its role in the toymaking industry, with over 100 craftsmen living in it alone. Seiffen often appears like something out of Christmastime folklore, as it is known for its top-notch toymaking and stellar artisan Christmas decorations. For the woodmakers of this town, their craft is far more than just a profession. It is common that the artisans of Seiffen pass their craft down from generation to generation, making their work not just a form of income, but a lifestyle. 

Although at first glance the Ore Mountains may appear to be just another mountain range, the wide variety of activities and rich history make it a fascinating spot to explore. 

Ella Nguyen

Ella is an undergraduate student at Vassar College pursuing a degree in Hispanic Studies. She wants to assist in the field of immigration law and hopes to utilize Spanish in her future projects. In her free time she enjoys cooking, writing poetry, and learning about cosmetics.

South Korea Loves Its Mountains

Climbing the country’s many mountains is a national pastime. South Korea’s tranquil scenery allows hikers of all skill levels to escape the worries of the modern world.

Two hikers at Seoraksan. Tasmanian.Kris. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

If you go to South Korea, bring hiking gear. Lots of it. More so than in the United States, hiking is a communal exercise and a great to-do. A pair of sneakers and a water bottle won’t cut it when trekking up Seoraksan, a mountain located three hours from Seoul. Hikers, whether amateur or professional, purchase a catalog’s worth of clothing for even a short afternoon hike. In addition to the equipment, bring an appetite. Food, along with a little rice wine, will be served once—at the very least.

Hiking is less of a hobby and more of a national pastime for South Korea. Two-thirds of South Koreans climb a mountain at least once a year, and almost a third go once a month. Companies that make hiking equipment find a lucrative market in the country, since retailers have estimated that the average hiker wears $1,000 worth of gear for each trek. South Korea’s 22 national parks see roughly 45 million visitors a year.

There are many reasons why climbing mountains is such a widely enjoyed pastime. For one, they’re everywhere. Most people live within an hour or two of a hiking trail. Subways and buses provide easy transport, not to mention that multiple hiking groups offer group expeditions. Beginning in 1967, South Korea began setting aside its many mountains as national parks. By the end of the 1980s, over 2,000 square miles had been designated as national parks. This amounts to 6% of South Korea’s landmass. 

The sun shines on Dobongsan. Giuseppe Milo. CC BY 2.0. 

Mountains figure prominently in national myths as well. Dangun, the mythical founder of Korea, is said to have been born on Mount Paektu, along the border between China and North Korea. The mountain is mentioned in the national anthems of both North and South Korea. Additionally, South Korean culture values “pungsu,” a practice similar to feng shui, that emphasizes harmony with nature. With mountains located so close to big cities like Seoul, they provide a picturesque respite for hard workers. 

South Korea’s fall foliage. Brandon HM Oh. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

However, only recently did the mountains attract as many mountaineers as they do now. Park Chung-hee, president in the 1960s and ‘70s, encouraged businesses to lead employees on group hikes as a community-building tool. The residual effects of this policy are still widely felt. A long lunch break often provides enough time for a quick trek. Many trails shoot straight to the peak before climbing down, allowing for brisk and efficient exercise. This may be annoying for  many enthusiasts who want to savor the panoramic views the mountains offer.

A hike through Bukhansan. golbenge. CC BY-SA 2.0.

Citizens have plenty of mountains to choose from, such as those in the Taebaek and Sobaek ranges. Seoraksan, South Korea’s third-tallest peak at 5,600 feet, takes only three hours to climb, and fiery fall foliage attracts many to this mountain in particular. However, its beauty is nearly matched by other peaks. For example, Bukhansan gives urbanites in Seoul a chance to unwind in the great outdoors. Located just outside the city, it is affectionately called the “lungs of Seoul.”

The Taebaek Mountains in winter. mariusz kluzniak. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

South Korea’s hiking culture is visible even among those who emigrate. In Southern California, South Korean immigrants often don the same gear for hiking Runyon Canyon in Los Angeles that they would for Seoraksan. Backpacks bulge with Tupperware stuffed with South Korean delicacies for a midday picnic. For these hikers, traveling the trails is more than a hobby. It’s a way of keeping a precious national tradition alive. 

Michael McCarthy

Michael is an undergraduate student at Haverford College, dodging the pandemic by taking a gap year. He writes in a variety of genres, and his time in high school debate renders political writing an inevitable fascination. Writing at Catalyst and the Bi-Co News, a student-run newspaper, provides an outlet for this passion. In the future, he intends to keep writing in mediums both informative and creative.


I grew up in a loving and somewhat free-spirited Canadian family. Our nomadic wanderings throughout western and northern Canada set the foundation for a life of global adventure, with my first flight from the nest being to the Central African Republic when I was 17. I spent a year there learning the local language and traveling to some of the most remote areas of that beautiful country. That was it. I was hooked on travel. I’m still going strong almost 30 years and four continents later. I relish the freedom of backpacking, but also love really living in another country and planting roots for several years. I enjoy the uniqueness of each place I visit yet what I love even more are the connections that prove the undeniable unity of the human race.

After raising three amazing children across several countries, they have all moved out and I’m solo once again. I’m currently based out of India’s Tamil Nadu state, where I focus my free time on the “3 Ts”: Travel, Trekking and Trail-running. I find solo adventuring so empowering because it allows me to test my limits and see how far I can go. Being a woman on my own I definitely take precautions, but I chose not to live in fear of what might happen. Instead, I focus on the positive and so far it's been a great journey. Photography is a recent hobby. I’m a nature lover who seeks out those “holy shit” moments of beauty that come from getting off the beaten path. 

“Home” in western Canada. During my last visit I enjoyed camping and running the trails along the Green River. This area is just a couple hours outside of Vancouver but you couldn’t feel farther from the city. And yes, that water is cold!

I’m always looking for new trails. I scan Google Maps, throw on my hydration vest and go explore. This is a small track running through rural farmland in Tamil Nadu. When I’m not traveling I’m out there seeing how far my legs will take me.

Wayanad in India’s Kerala state is an amazing place to just wander. It is so wild and lush. Every day I was there I would take a local bus and jump out when it looked interesting. Then I would take the trails up to the tea plantations and down into steamy, forested valleys. The great thing about India is that it has a good public transport system. It doesn’t matter how far or which direction my feet carry me; I will eventually find another bus to take me back to where I started.

Sometimes when you travel you stumble across the perfect moment. This was one in Mingun, Myanmar.

In January 2020 I spent a month exploring Myanmar. This photo was taken at the end of an epic section of trail. I spent three days walking from Kalaw to Inle Lake. Here, I’m taking a longboat across Inle Lake to get from the end of the trail to the nearest town where the luxury of a hot shower awaited me.

No hotels, no restaurants. I slept in small villages with local families who offered food and shelter. These are communal sleeping quarters up in the mountains of central Myanmar. When you are climbing up and down mountains all day, I can’t tell you how good it feels to be given a hot meal and a place to rest your weary bones. 

Pokhara, Nepal, is an awesome place to explore even if you opt not to do the big overnight treks in the mountains. I asked many locals and they all told me that you could not circumnavigate Phewa Lake. I kept staring at Google Maps and thinking, “I’m sure I can!” The issue was getting across the valley floor. There is a section where there is no track at all. One day I saw a farmer wade through the rice paddies and I did the same, mud up to my knees in places. Once I got across the valley, as I had seen on Google Maps, there was “trail” all the way around. I arrived back in Pokhara nine hours later, feet full of leeches but with a happy heart. 

The artist in me gets very excited about local handicrafts. I love seeing creative expression around the world. This teenage boy was oblivious of me as he patiently labored away at this masterpiece in Bagan, Myanmar.

I have been blessed with close encounters with many amazing animals. I never chase after them but enjoy when they approach me. These are Nilgiri tahr, an endangered species that inhabits the Eravikulam National Park in southern India. I was sitting on a rock and they stepped right over me and decided to hang out. I was all by myself up in the hills and it was such a magical moment.

I love a good storm! Something about the energy of the shifting skies is so invigorating. This is on the backwaters just south of Chennai, India, overlooking the Bay of Bengal.

Just outside of Kunchithanny in Kerala, India, I spent a week wandering in the mountains. I talked to locals to scope out good trails and, armed with screenshots from my trusty Google Maps, I headed out early each morning. This is one of my favorite places to trek. I can cover 15 miles by noon. The climbs are steep but well worth it. I met families at my guesthouse who spent three hours in traffic jams to catch a glimpse of the popular waterfalls outside of Munnar; meanwhile, I saw at least 20 falls and had them all to myself. This area is so welcoming. Several families brought me into their homes for food and rest. I can’t wait to go back.

Monks feeding carp in Hpa-An, southern Myanmar. This was such a magical day. First I offered a prayer to all my loved ones atop the rock tower at the pagoda in the middle of this pond. Later that day I did my hardest climb in Myanmar. I climbed to the highest point in the mountains seen in the background. It was an extremely steep vertical climb. Rough steps had been carved out of the rock but they were narrow. In places, I had to lift my leg up higher than my knees to reach the next step. It is typically a three to four hour hike. I wanted to catch the sunset so I powered up it in an hour and 20 minutes. I made it just in time and then descended in 45 minutes. When I finished, my legs were shaking and spasming uncontrollably. It actually felt great having pushed past what I thought my body was capable of.

In Ubud on the Indonesian island of Bali I would wake up at 4 a.m. and run up the mountain peaks in the dark to catch the sunrise from the mountaintops. This is where I started really building my confidence running solo in the wilderness. I wish this photo could convey the incredible birdsong that accompanied each daybreak.

My daily runs here in Tamil Nadu often involve weaving through crowds of these guys. I’m up early to catch the sunrise and enjoy South India in all her beauty.

I have learned to read the landscape, tune into my surroundings and listen to my own body. All of this has given me the freedom to keep living my best life. No regrets.

If you want to keep up to date with my adventures, follow me on Instagram @dawned_onme or check out my blog,, to see more of my past wanderings.

Dawn Lwakila

continually takes the path less trodden, both figuratively and literally. She loves to really live in a place and grow some roots there — as well as a good wander and the freedom to explore. Canada is her homeland, but her heart and soul is scattered across the globe. She has journeyed through over 30 countries and still has an ever-growing bucket list of new places to experience.