Saving More Elephants with Honey than with Vinegar

The vast majority of people around the world have only seen African elephants from a television screen, from behind fences in zoos, or- if they’re lucky- from a safe seat in a safari car as it bounces past the grazing giants of the Serengeti. From those vantage points, it’s impossible to look at the massive bodies, dexterous trunks, and intelligent eyes of the elephant and not feel a keen sense of wonder and awe. Elephants are some of those ‘charismatic megafauna’ that capture the hearts of people worldwide, making conservation efforts seem like a no-brainer. Who wouldn’t want to protect and save these wise, complicated, prehistoric-seeming creatures?

The people who share a homeland with elephants might be in that category. 

Elephants are herbivores, and must eat almost constantly to maintain enough calories to support their gargantuan bodies- individual adults can consume between 200 and 600 pounds of food per day. Traveling in family groups that can consist of 10-20 elephants or more, that’s an incredible amount of vegetation needed to sustain a herd. 

In addition to the grasses, roots, fruit, and bark found in the wild, elephants have quickly learned that their human neighbors can provide a tasty supplement to their diet- fields of carefully tended yams, cassava, corn, plantains, and grains. A herd of elephants can destroy a subsistence farmer’s means of food and income for the whole year in just a single night.

These episodes of crop raiding have created dangerous situations for people living in sub-Saharan Africa. Desperate to protect their livelihood, farmers may try to stay awake all night, ready to yell and bang pots in an effort to frighten away any pachyderm pilferers. However, elephants are not so easily startled by humans, and have been known to attack and kill would-be crop defenders. In anger and frustration, a group of villagers may then retaliate and try to kill the next group of elephants they see. These was creating a vicious cycle of animosity on both sides; elephants are intelligent creatures, and once they began associating humans with pain and disruption, there was evidence that they became more violent to humans in future encounters.

The heightened tensions were disastrous for both humans and elephants, and a solution was desperately needed to protect both vulnerable groups.

There had been local rumors buzzing around for a while that claimed elephants were afraid of bees, but it wasn’t until researchers Fritz Vollrath, Dr. Iain Douglas-Hamilton, and Dr. Lucy King investigated that those results were confirmed to the rest of the world. When confronted with the sound of bees buzzing, the elephants would immediately retreat and send out a rumbling call that would warn other elephants of danger in the area. Additionally, the elephants would begin shaking their heads and dusting themselves, suggesting that their skin was sensitive to bee stings and that they knew to associate the sound with potential pain.  

Armed with this knowledge, researchers, nonprofits, and government groups set out to make affordable beehive fences that could protect precious crops from marauding elephants and protect elephants from learning dangerous behaviors that would bring them into conflicts with humans. 

In the last few years, as the success of the beehive fences has been proven time and again, they are gaining in popularity throughout Africa. The fences are genius in their simplicity; a hanging box hive is hung from a fence every ten meters, all connected by wire. This way, if an elephant brushes against the fence or wire, the hives will swing and rock and the bees will swarm out to get away from the disturbance. Nearly 100% of the time, the elephant will turn tail and run, warning its family members to stay away. Thanks to their famous memories, the elephants won’t soon forget that lesson.

Not only do the fences allow farmers to harvest their full crop without any losses to elephants, but the honey produced in the hives has also found a niche market. “Elephant-Friendly Honey,” as it’s called, has been a huge hit with globally conscious consumers who increasingly want to know that the products they are buying support a good cause. 

African elephant populations have slowly been increasing since the poaching crisis that decimated their numbers in the 1970’s and 1980’s. While the rest of the world celebrated that fact, many African people living in close proximity to elephants couldn’t see why people around the world were so eager to save the creatures that were plaguing their lives and livelihoods. Now, thanks to an increased effort to help protect people along with ivory-tipped neighbors, more and more people are able to view their globally treasured wildlife with a sense of pride instead of fear. 

Katharine Rose Feildling

Katharine Rose was born in Maryland and is currently working for the Condor Recovery Project in California. She studied wildlife management in East Africa, and gained a deep passion for wildlife conservation, social activism, and travel while there. Since then, she has traveled and worked throughout the United States, South America, and Asia, and hopes to continue learning about global conservation and inspiring others to do the same. 

8 Animals Recently Declared Extinct

Anywhere from 24 to 150 animal species go extinct daily, with human activity as a primary cause. Here are eight animals that have recently gone extinct.

Many animal species have recently gone extinct at the hands of humans, which should be a wake up call about how our actions can harm wildlife and the environment. Learn about these eight recently extinct animals to see what you can do to help.

Poison Arrow Frog (Dendrobatidae). Jerry Kirkhart. CC BY 2.0.

1) Splendid Poison Frog

The IUCN added the splendid poison frog to the Red List of Endangered Species in 2004 and officially declared the species extinct in 2020, making it one of the most recently extinct species on the planet. These frogs are often referred to as poison arrow or poison dart frogs, and they are the brightest colored frogs in the world. Splendid poison frogs’ diets cause them to secrete toxins from their skin, and their bright colors warn predators of their toxicity. While the species lived in the humid lowlands and forests of western Panama, deforestation and habitat degradation severely harmed these areas and threatened the frogs. Human invasion such as with logging and construction in the area decreased the species’ population significantly.

Paddlefish, his mouth firmly shut. Shankar S. CC BY 2.0.

2) Chinese paddlefish

Like the baiji dolphin, the Chinese paddlefish (also known as the Chinese swordfish) was most commonly found in the Yangtze River and was one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. This ancient fish species has lived since the Lower Jurassic period and survived the mass extinction that killed off the dinosaurs and many reptiles. Yet, the biggest threat to their existence was human activities. In the 1970s and 80s, overfishing and construction severely decreased the species’ population size. By 1993, this disruption caused the fish to become functionally extinct, which meant that the species lacked the numbers to meaningfully reproduce. The species has not been spotted since 2003, and it was officially declared extinct in 2020.

Sumatran rhino. David Ellis. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

3) Sumatran Rhino

Sumatran rhinos—also known as Asian Two-Horned Rhinos—are the smallest and most endangered rhino species in the world. They generally live for between 35 and 40 years, and their habitat is the  dense tropical forests mainly on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Due to poaching, the species’ numbers have decreased more than 70% over the last 20 years. The Sumatran rhino was officially declared extinct in mainland Malaysia in 2015 and in Malaysian Borneo in 2019. The last Sumatran rhino died in 2019.

Lonesome George. A.Davey. CC BY 2.0.

4) Pinta giant tortoise

In 2012, “Lonesome George,” the world-famous tortoise, passed away at the estimated age of 100 years. George was the last remaining land tortoise from Pinta Island, a northern island in the Galapagos, and lived at the Charles Darwin Research Station since he was found in 1971. Most of his species went extinct because they were used as an onboard food source for 19th-century whalers, as well as due to habitat destruction. The Galapagos National Park searched for a mate for George for over three decades to try to save the Pinta subspecies, but they could not find one. When George passed away in 2012, the Pinta subspecies passed with him.

5) Western black rhino

The western black rhino, which was the most uncommon of the black rhino subspecies, went extinct in 2011. In the past, the species had a large range across central and western Africa, but it was not able to survive in the 20th century. Hunting for sport quickly decreased rhino populations, and industrial agriculture cleared rhino habitats to make fields and settlements. In addition, between 1960 and 1995, 98% of black rhinos were killed by poachers. By 1980, the western black rhino’s range had shrunk to only two countries: Cameroon and Chad. The species’ population had fallen to about 10 rhinos by 1997. Due to this, the International Union for Conservation of Nature added the species to the critically endangered species list in 2008, and declared them extinct in 2011.

Baiji, Lipotes vexillifer. CC BY-SA 4.0

6) Baiji

Commonly referred to as the Yangtze River dolphin, Baiji is the first dolphin species to become extinct because of human activity. The Yangtze River was the Baiji’s home for 20 million years, and it only took humans 50 years to completely wipe them out. The Baiji’s ability to communicate, navigate, avoid danger and find food became very challenging as the river became noisier and noisier due to humans. In 2006, researchers embarked on a six-week journey on the river for over 2,000 miles to search for the Baiji, but they were not able to detect any existing dolphins. They were declared extinct in 2007.

7) Cryptic treehunter

There have been no records of the cryptic treehunter since 2007, mainly due to extensive habitat loss in its region, Brazil. Cryptic treehunters were usually found in grasslands, woodlands and humid forests. Logging and conversion of forest to sugarcane plantations and pastureland was a major reason for the species’ decline. Some scientists believe that the species has not completely vanished due to their incredible hiding abilities, but since one has not been seen since 2007, it is unlikely.

Bouquetin—the French name for Pyrenean ibex. Jean-Raphaël Guillaumin. CC BY-SA 2.0.

8) Pyrenean ibex

Once a large population which roamed across France and Spain, the Pyrenean ibex is one of two subspecies of the Spanish ibex that was declared extinct in 2000. The last Pyrenean ibex died in January of 2000 when a falling tree killed her. After she died, scientists took skin cells from her ear and preserved them in liquid nitrogen. In 2003, her DNA was cloned into a new ibex, becoming the first species to be “unextinct.” However, the clone died minutes after it was created due to lung issues. Scientists suspect that the species went extinct due to poaching, disease and competition for food.

Isabelle Durso

Isabelle is an undergraduate student at Boston University currently on campus in Boston. She is double majoring in Journalism and Film & Television, and she is interested in being a travel writer and writing human-interest stories around the world. Isabelle loves to explore and experience new cultures, and she hopes to share other people's stories through her writing. In the future, she intends to keep writing journalistic articles as well as creative screenplays.