LGBTQ+ Intolerance in Ghana Reaches Boiling Point 

Tensions within the West African country have risen following the recent restriction of LGBTQ+ rights, resurfacing the decades long discussion regarding the criminalization of same-sex conduct.   

Pride flag waving in the sky. Tim Bieler. Unsplash. 

The newly established office of nonprofit organization LGBT+ Rights Ghana was raided and searched by police last month, endangering one of the only safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people in the country. This raid came mere days after Ghanaian journalist Ignatius Annor came out as gay on live television, and many have speculated that the raid was in retaliation of that moment. 

Given Ghana’s criminalization of same-sex conduct, it is not a stretch to say that homophobia runs rampant and unchecked, especially when considering the widespread opposition from both government officials and religious figures regarding the construction of the center for LGBT+ Rights Ghana.   

The building has been under scrutiny since it first opened back in January. Only three weeks after opening its doors to the public, the organization had to temporarily close in order to protect its staff and visitors from angry protesters. The director of the organization, Alex Kofi Donkor, explained how the community “expected some homophobic organizations would use the opportunity to exploit the situation and stoke tensions against the community, but the anti-gay hateful reaction has been unprecedented.”   

This unprovoked suppression of basic freedoms indicates that LGBTQ+ intolerance in Ghana has reached a boiling point and is about to bubble over. 

Aerial shot of Accra, Ghana. Virgyl Sowah. Unsplash. 

News of the situation reached a handful of high-profile celebrities such as Idris Elba and Naomi Campbell, who joined 64 other public figures in publishing an open letter of solidarity with the Ghanaian LGBTQ+ community using #GhanaSupportsEquality. While prejudice has only recently garnered public attention due to the letter, blatant and widespread homophobia in Ghana has run rampant for years. 

According to a study conducted by the Human Rights Watch in 2017, hate crimes and assault due to one's sexual identity are regular occurrences in Ghana. Dozens of people have been attacked by mobs and even family members out of mere speculation that they were gay. Furthermore, the study found that for women, much of this aggressive homophobia was happening behind closed doors through the pressures of coerced marriage. 

Consider 24-year-old Khadija, who identifies as lesbian and will soon begin pursuing relationships with men due to the societal pressure for women to marry. Or 21-year-old Aisha, who was exiled by her family and sent to a “deliverance” church camp after she was outed as lesbian. 

Marriage pressures and intolerances are certainly prevalent in other countries as well, even in those often deemed progressive. The big difference is that in many countries, homophobic beliefs are slowly becoming less and less common. In Ghana, it seems as though these sentiments are normalized and held by the majority of people. 

The precedent for discrimination based on sexual orientation was set as early as 2011, when former Western Region minister Paul Evans Aidoo called for the immediate arrest of LGBTQ+ people in the area. The stigma that actions like this produced in Ghana have only been amplified over time when coupled with religious and cultural tensions. 

A rainbow forms above a home in Kumasi, Ghana. Ritchie. Unsplash. 

Many victims of hate crimes or abuse in Ghana reported that because of the codified homophobia in the country, they are unable to report their experiences to local authorities without putting themselves in danger. As a result, LGBTQ+ Ghanaians find themselves stuck in a perpetual cycle of making slight progress just for higher authorities to snatch it away. 

There have been countless opportunities for legalized discrimination to be addressed, and ever since current Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo assumed office in 2017, he has been under immense pressure to announce his official position on homosexuality. Four years later, he has still not done so.

Instead of embracing the shift toward more inclusive policies supported by LGBT+ Rights Ghana, the Ghanaian government appears to be succumbing to public pressures in an attempt to keep peace. What it fails to realize is that sweeping inequalities under the carpet doesn’t make them go away. It actually does quite the opposite. It heightens inequalities until they become absolutely impossible to avoid. Celebrity involvement in dismantling Ghana’s current system has caused quite the public reaction. It may end up being the spark that causes the Ghanaian government to reconsider its policies and begin to offer LGBTQ+ people the respect and protection they deserve. 

Zara Irshad

Zara is a third year Communication student at the University of California, San Diego. Her passion for journalism comes from her love of storytelling and desire to learn about others. In addition to writing at CATALYST, she is an Opinion Writer for the UCSD Guardian, which allows her to incorporate various perspectives into her work.

Middle Eastern Countries Combat Stigma Surrounding Mental Health

While the stigmatization of mental health issues is common worldwide, sociocultural factors specific to the Middle East often prevent individuals from seeking treatment.

A drawing depicting mental health issues. Pixabay.

Mental health services are more urgently needed now than ever before. The world is currently facing a mental health epidemic, with over 264 million people struggling with depression in 2019. The additional stress and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have caused anxiety and depression levels to skyrocket. For many individuals, it has become even harder to participate in counseling programs. According to the World Economic Forum, over 93% of countries have reported a disruption in their mental health services since the pandemic started. 

In the Middle East, mental health awareness continues to rise, especially in the Gulf countries among the nations’ youth. A recent poll conducted in the Gulf region reported that 62% of youth agree that mental health issues are important. Even so, a recent survey in Saudi Arabia revealed that 80% of people struggling with severe mental health issues do not seek treatment. Similarly, this year’s Arab Youth Survey, which interviewed 4,000 young adults ages 18-24 from 17 Arab countries, revealed that mental health issues are rampant, with the number of people affected continuing to rise. 

Difficulties in Obtaining Proper Mental Health Care

The Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest site in Islam. Konevi, Pixabay.

A prevalent culture of stigmatization in Middle Eastern countries prevents many individuals from seeking treatment in the first place. Due to the shame associated with mental health issues, privacy between the client and their mental health professional is of utmost concern. In many cases, mental health issues place a burden on a family’s reputation and social status. Rania Raine, a 43-year-old British-Egyptian art teacher who struggles with mental health, states that, “It’s the ‘shame’ families have, that their child isn’t perfect, that their lives are not perfect and what will people say, what will the neighbors say, society say–and then it all leads to marriage, how no one will marry the child who has a mental health condition, or worse still, ruin the chances of marriage of the other siblings.” 

Although the stigmatization of mental health conditions is common in Muslim communities, Ph.D. researcher Mounira al-Dousari states that they are “reflections of cultural practices and discourse.” There is a growing movement among mental health professionals to include faith in therapy, which results in a faster recovery for some clients. It’s also important to note that many forms of therapy use predominantly Western practices, which need to be diversified to appeal to a larger audience. According to Dousari, “When it comes to Islam, Muslim scholars and those working in the mental health field are working harder than ever to establish well-structured Islamically integrated psychotherapy models.”

Additionally, the financial burdens of seeking mental health treatment raise another concern. Even though mental health care is free in some public hospitals, many people do not trust them due to privacy concerns. Prices for private mental health care sessions are quite expensive. For example, Dousari’s research sessions cost $225 an hour, a large sum even for well-off families. 

Historic Treatment of Mental Illness in the Middle East

An entrance to the Moristan of Kala’oon, a mental health hospital in Egypt, 1878. Werner. CC2.5

Although mental health remains a prevalent issue in the region, the Middle East was well known for mental health treatment during the Islamic Golden Age. The term bimaristan, Persian for “home for the sick,” refers to entire psychiatric hospitals where a patient’s mind, body and soul were considered part of the treatment process. First opened in Fez, Morocco, and in Baghdad in the eighth century and later in Cairo, Damascus and Aleppo in the ninth, the practice was initially introduced by physician Ahmed ibn Sahl al-Balkhi. A famous manuscript written by Balkhi called “Sustenance for Bodies and Souls” was written in clear, understandable language and helped make mental health education more accessible to the public. Unfortunately, the practice declined throughout the centuries and does not occur in the mainstream today. 

Additionally, Dr. Mamoun Mobayed, director of the treatment and rehabilitation department at Behavioral Healthcare Center in Qatar, emphasizes that the stigmatization of diseases is a global phenomenon. “Any disease thought to be infectious or bizarre-looking, like leprosy, has always been stigmatized. Even with COVID-19, there have been cases where paramedics working with COVID-19 patients have been avoided due to the fear and stigma attached to the virus.”

In recent years, mental health awareness in the Middle East has become a top priority, with many countries starting their own wellness initiatives and campaigns. 

Qatar Paves the Way in the Gulf

Sidra Medical and Research Center in Qatar. Sergeev. CC3.0

Qatar launched a new mental health program in conjunction with World Mental Health Day. Being the first country in the Gulf to start such an initiative, the Wellness Ambassadors program aims “to promote mental health support and break the stigma attached to mental health conditions at school level.” Program ambassadors received comprehensive training on mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and bullying while breaking cultural misconceptions surrounding mental health. Dr. Mobayed states that educating individuals about mental health issues serves “to remove the barriers associated with mental health and know they are normal humans with a disorder in the mind.” 

Turkish Counseling Services Provide Assistance

Taksim Square in Istanbul. Pixabay.

A crisis helpline in Turkey helps those struggling with mental health issues during the pandemic. Supported by the World Health Organization, the service is accessible in all of Turkey’s 81 provinces and consists of 418 staff members trained in helping individuals manage stress and access mental health resources. So far, the service has offered more than 80,000 consultations since its inception. 

Social Media Campaigns in Kuwait Lead to Legislative Action

Youth in Kuwait. Wikimedia Commons. CC2.0

Kuwait enacted its first mental health law in 2019, which passed unanimously through the national assembly. Instrumental to this success were numerous social media campaigns led by youth, artists and mental health advocates. The founder of ASAP Beauty, Sheika Majda al-Sabah, credits her involvement in the campaign to her own struggles with depression. Other campaigns include “Mind Me”, “Human Line Organization” and “Taqabal”, with trending hashtags such as #noshame working to spread awareness. Outreach events helped to create a welcoming climate where people could speak more openly and denounce negative stereotypes surrounding mental illness. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, an online program called Corona Care provides mental health services for those in need. Additionally, the Gulf Program for Mental Health encourages countries to develop comprehensive mental health programs that adhere to international standards. 

Although there is still work needed to break down barriers surrounding mental health treatment, Middle Eastern countries seem ready to rise to the challenge. 

To Get Involved: 

Check out social media campaign pages “Mind Me”, “Human Line Organization” and “Taqabal” working toward mental health awareness in Kuwait. Visit the website of the Institute for Muslim Mental Health, which focuses on providing support for Muslims in the United States. The Journal of Muslim Mental Health is an excellent resource to learn about issues affecting the Muslim community in the United States and globally. 

Megan Gürer

Megan is a Turkish-American student at Wellesley College in Massachusetts studying Biological Sciences. Passionate about environmental issues and learning about other cultures, she dreams of exploring the globe. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, singing, and composing music.