This Russian region experiences temperatures as low as -70F and its residents live drastically differently than people who live in warmer climes.
A village in Yakutia during the winter. @simoncroberts. Instagram.
It is seven AM. The sun hasn’t risen yet, but you’ve already gathered enough wood to heat your house for 9 months straight, in anticipation of the severe climate outside. You head to the back shed to grab the ice you harvested last November and put it in a giant tub of water to melt, ensuring that your family has something to drink when the water pipes will freeze. Now it’s time to make breakfast and wake your child up for school — because even though winter has finally arrived it’s warmer than -65 degrees Fahrenheit, which means it is safe to go outside.
This is how residents of the northern reaches of the Sakha Republic, common name Yakutia, live during the long winter months. Yakutia is located in Russia and is home to some of the coldest continuously inhabited places in the world. In villages like Oymyakon, located in the far north, the sun doesn’t rise until approximately 9am and sets at 2:15pm, meaning students have to walk to and from school in darkness.
Ten minutes in the cold, fresh air is enough to cause fatigue, stinging pain in any of the exposed parts of your face, and long-lasting aches in the fingers and toes. This is why many houses in the region are made of wood and built to withstand the extreme temperatures by filling every gap with oakum, a sealant made from plant fibers and tar, or even just the abundant snow, although the cold still finds its way through at times.
The Yakut people have learned to be productive in these conditions. Most men in the Republic’s far north have traditional jobs like cattle ranching, hunting, or making crafts, living lives that hardly resemble those of urban Russians. Knife-making plays an important role in the Yakut culture, with the blades known around the world for their strength and beauty.
Summer in a Yakutian village. @Kiun B. YouTube.
When summer comes around, Yakutia becomes a completely different place. While winter temperatures can plunge down to -70 degrees Fahrenheit, in the dog days of summer the weather can get to around 86 to 95 degrees, particularly at the end of July. Summers may be short-lived — only lasting 2.5 months — but it is also the busiest time of the year for Yakut people.
It is crucial to harvest berries before the frost sets in if one wants to eat fruit during the winter., A failure to harvest the hay needed to feed the cattle in time can lead families to lose their valuable livestock.
But with hard work comes a refreshing reward. During the summer, Yakutia turns from a snowy kingdom into a lush meadow full of dense forests. Many Yakuts take advantage of the balmy heat, and head straight to the nearest lake for a swim.
Yakutia is often called the land of rivers and lakes. There are over 700,000 rivers and 800,000 lakes that are rich with aquatic life, which is the perfect opportunity for Yakut people to stock up on food for the winter months.
Although Yakutia is by no means a popular tourist destination, the region is gaining more attention on YouTube and has fascinated viewers around the world. With increased visibility facilitated by modern communications technology , it will be no surprise if curious minds begin to pay attention to Yakutia.
Michelle Tian
Michelle is a senior at Boston University, majoring in journalism and minoring in philosophy. Her parents are first-generation immigrants from China, so her love for different cultures and traveling came naturally at a young age. After graduation, she hopes to continue sharing important messages through her work.